No matter how much we spend or how many calories we consume, dining out is a way to enjoy our social lives. Although it may seem contrary, we eat 29 per cent of our meals out of home, which accounts for 44 percent of our total victual expenses. The US Department of Agriculture and National Restaurant Association have estimated that this percentage could rise to 53 percent next year. After a busy weekday, I enjoy dining out on weekends. These are not enough to demotivate me from going out for dinner. The question is, how do I stay true to my guns when eating out?

Let’s see…

There are ways that I wasn’t being seduced by the deliciousness of food or its names when ordering my dinner. You can do it if you want! Take control of your next dining-out adventure by reading the strategies I used. Before you leave the house, it is important to understand your desires and what you want to eat today. Are you looking for pasta or meat? Deciding what you want to eat will help limit the temptations of eating out beyond your daily calorie allowance.

After you have decided what you would like to eat, log on to the websites of all the restaurants that you know to see what they have to say. You can also call them to get more information. You will be able avoid temptation and will be able not to eat from the same menu. You will eat more if you wait to reserve your table.

What to do?

To avoid eating too much later in the restaurant, have a small, healthy snack before you leave. You will determine if your plan will be compromised by the restaurant you choose. You can adjust your weekly food plan by making a dinner plan ahead of time. You will find it easier to find at a place that offers a variety of menus. Look for restaurants that offer extensive salad bars and fish restaurants. They usually have healthy dishes to choose from.

Avoid restaurants that promote Entertainment & Eating. They tend to have fewer options and serve a lot of fried, fatty, and large dishes. You should always have a packet of wheat crackers or rye crackers on you. I’ll tell you why. The smells of food can make you hungry, so you might grab the free snacks that are offered as you sit down at the restaurant. You can’t go wrong with bread baskets, rolls and tortilla chips, or Chinese noodles.

Did You Know?

These foods often come with butter. Ask for a healthy alternative such as a glass of spicy tomato , or vegetable drink. They can easily bridge the hunger gap. To help you ward off hunger, grab the packet of crackers you brought along and munch a bit. Get and start drinking. Ask for a lower-fat spread to replace the butter. Limit your intake. Alcohol is just calories with no nutritional value. You should avoid buttery, breaded and buttered, pan-fried, fried, creamed or scalloped, a la mode, and creamed preparation words.

Good preparation words include grilled, baked and stir-fried. It is also important to know the difference between lean and fat meats. Pork is fairly lean, with the exception of sausage, bacon, or ribs. All fish are either quite lean or have healthy fats.


Very lean, especially when and fat are removed. White meat is generally leaner than darker meat. Ground beef products are listed in order of least to most fat: ground beef, ground chicken, ground chuck and ground round. Roasts, eye of round, and roasts are more lean than steaks and ribs. As a rule of thumb red sauces are better than yellow or white. Avoid sauces that contain , cheese, oil, or mayonnaise. Avoid eating the skin of chickens, turkeys and ducks. Ask for your fish or meat to not be fried with any butter. The recommended serving size for meat is 3-4 ounces. Make sure you have enough for your 9-ounce steak. Avoid vegetarian options that contain cheese, nuts, or other non-vegetable items. A healthy appetizer and a salad can make a great meal.


Fruit is best served as a with no syrup or whipped cream. You can make lemon meringue pie and other meringue pies, which are usually good choices. Plain ice cream can be good, provided you limit it to one scoop. Planning every step before you go out to eat will save you time and make it easier on the treadmill. You can enjoy guilt-free dining out every time you follow the steps above.