How can six meals per day help you lose weight This is a question that almost never gets asked. First, I agree with this statement. I say this because I am currently researching weekly eating habits and not daily eating habits. But that’s another topic. Let’s discuss how eating more food can help with weight loss. As usual, I’ll keep this article as non-technical as possible. I’ll keep it as simple as possible and use broad strokes. Let’s take a look at this. Let’s say you are working your bicep. What usually happens? Your muscle is usually sore in the first stage.
Because of the new action that you are making it take. The new stress you place on your growing muscle causes it readjust to the situation and to learn to accept what is being done to them. This is known as a muscle growth phenomenon or gaining muscle. Your muscle needs energy to grow. Because the muscle is adapting to the new pressure, it will seek out fuel to make the necessary changes.
Guess what? Muscles grow even when they are resting. Your muscle is always working. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s just another way to say that the muscle (the bicep in this instance) is constantly adapting to its environment. Let’s now apply that same concept to the stomach. Let’s suppose you eat 2-3 meals a day.
Healthy Meals
Healthy meals are important. The stomach is used for eating food 2-3 times per day so that’s when it works. Just like the bicep, the stomach muscle must adapt to the new food being brought in. It seeks out the energy it needs to perform this new work. The stomach works even when it’s not working, just like the bicep. It’s also burning more fuel. It’s almost counterintuitive. It does more work if it has more fuel. The less fuel it uses, the less work it does. The key is to eat more food at the right times, not just the amount.
It is important to understand that keeping food in your stomach will make it work. This means that the muscle is constantly burning fuel. There is more to the body than that, but this will help you understand the concept of “eat 6 meals per day to lose weight”. You can find more great information about Fitness and Health from professionals around the globe.