Eden od ključnih načinov za ohranjanje zdravja in kondicije je zadostna količina gibanja. Enako pomembna sestavina vaše care also includes increasing the quantity of fruits and veggies that you eat in your . This specific tip not only raises your health and well-being but in addition, it applies to keeping your eyes healthy also. An example of a fruit which promotes better vision is the papaya.


To sadje ima tudi nekaj pomembnih splošnih koristi za zdravje.

  •  Eye Health Benefits: Based on a research conducted by the Archives of Ophthalmology eating three or more servings of fruits per day including fruits like Papaya can help reduce your risks for the age related eye disease macular degeneration. Additionally, this sweet tasting fruit also is made up of the A, C, and E; significant antioxidants beneficial in improving vision and protecting vision health. Additionally, it contains the carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin.These nutrients also decrease the risks for the development of age related eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. These antioxidant nutrients are famous for their ability to neutralize the negative effects that dangerous free radicals present to eye health. They also play a role in filtering out harmful blue light rays from sunlight and behave like natural sunglasses to the eyes from a nutritional viewpoint.
  • Izboljša zdravje prebavil: Ta hrana za oči je sestavljena iz prebavnih called papain that’s shown to assist the digestive system function better. Additionally, it aids in helping the body to digest proteins more effectively also. This fruit has a high water content and is also a fantastic source of soluble fiber. These properties encourage better digestive health as it pertains to good elimination.
  • Boljši Health: This food to improve eyesight is a fantastic source of that’s great for reducing . Poleg tega vsebnost vitaminov A, E in C skupaj zmanjšuje raven holesterola v telesu. Ti antioksidanti lahko zaustavijo negativni postopek, znan kot oksidacija holesterola; postopek, ki povzroči kopičenje oblog v arterijah. S tega vidika lahko ob vsakodnevnem uživanju zmanjša tveganje za možgansko kap in srčni infarkt.
  • Povečuje : Papaje so bogat vir . Vsebujejo 144 odstotkov dnevno priporočene količine vitamina C. Zato so koristni v boju proti prehladu in okužbam v telesu. Papaja je tudi vir vitamina A, ki spodbuja delovanje imunskega sistema.
  • Preprečevanje raka: To sladko sadje je polno antioksidantov in flavonoidov. To so snovi, ki odstranjujejo proste radikale in ščitijo telo pred nepridipravi, ki poškodujejo zdrave celice v telesu. S tega vidika lahko zaradi vsebnosti betakarotena in vitamina E zmanjša tveganje za bolezni, kot sta rak debelega črevesa in prostate.


Pri zdravi prehrani nas večina ceni prehrano, ki prinaša številne splošne koristi za zdravje, hkrati pa sladko in osvežujoče zadovolji brbončice. Sadje papaje je živilo za boljši vid, ki izpolnjuje ta merila. To so res dobri razlogi, da to živilo za oči postane običajen del vaše prehrane za dobro zdravje.