One of the vital ways to remain healthy and in tip top shape is to find an adequate amount of exercise. An equally important component of your health care also includes increasing the quantity of fruits and veggies that you eat in your diet. This specific tip not only raises your health and well-being but in addition, it applies to keeping your eyes healthy also. An example of a fruit which promotes better vision is the .


Ce fruit présente également d'importants avantages pour la santé en général.

  •  Eye Health Benefits: Based on a research conducted by the Archives of Ophthalmology eating three or more servings of fruits per day including fruits like Papaya can help reduce your risks for the age related eye disease macular degeneration. Additionally, this sweet tasting fruit also is made up of the vitamins A, C, and E; significant antioxidants beneficial in improving vision and protecting vision health. Additionally, it contains the carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin.These nutrients also decrease the risks for the development of age related eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. These antioxidant nutrients are famous for their ability to neutralize the negative effects that dangerous free radicals present to eye health. They also play a role in filtering out harmful blue light rays from sunlight and behave like natural sunglasses to the eyes from a nutritional viewpoint.
  • Améliore la santé digestive : Cet aliment pour les yeux est composé d'une enzyme digestive appelée papaïne, dont il a été démontré qu'elle aide le système digestif à mieux fonctionner. En outre, il en aidant l'organisme à digérer more effectively also. This fruit has a high water content and is also a fantastic source of soluble . Ces propriétés favorisent une meilleure santé digestive et une bonne élimination.
  • Better Heart Health: This food to improve eyesight is a fantastic source of potassium that’s great for reducing blood pressure. Additionally, its , E and C content jointly operate in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. These antioxidants can stop a negative procedure known as the oxidation of cholesterol; a procedure that results in the buildup of plaque in the arteries. So from this viewpoint, it can decrease the risks for strokes and heart attacks if consumed on a daily basis.
  • Boosts Immunity: Papayas are an abundant source of . As a matter of fact that they consists of 144 percent of the daily recommended allowance for vitamin C. Therefore, they offer a benefit in combating colds and infections in the body. Papaya is also a source of vitamin A that does have immune system boosting benefits.
  • Prévention du cancer : Ce fruit au goût sucré est plein d'antioxydants et de flavonoïdes. Ces derniers sont des agents piégeurs de radicaux libres qui protègent l'organisme contre les cellules indésirables qui endommagent les cellules saines de l'organisme. De ce point de vue, il peut réduire les risques de maladies telles que le cancer du côlon et de la prostate grâce à sa teneur en bêta-carotène et en vitamine E.


Lorsqu'il s'agit de manger sainement, la plupart d'entre nous apprécient un régime qui contribue à apporter de nombreux avantages pour la santé tout en satisfaisant les papilles gustatives d'une manière douce et rafraîchissante. La papaye est un aliment pour une meilleure vision qui répond à ces critères. Ce sont de très bonnes raisons de faire de cet aliment pour les yeux un élément normal de votre régime alimentaire pour une bonne santé.