Karnabaharın botanik adı Brassica oleracea'dır ve turpgillerden bir bitkidir. Yani çiçeklerinin haç şeklinde dizilmiş dört yaprağı vardır. Brokoli, lahana, lahana, Brüksel lahanası ve kara lahana gibi bitkilerle aynı familyadandır. Herkes karnabaharın lezzetini sevmez, ancak sebzenin sağlık açısından faydalarının çoğu yukarıda belirtilen alternatif turpgilleri yiyerek de elde edilebilir.


It is overshadowed by its comparative broccoli, but it’s truly a more versatile vegetable. It can be eaten raw, added to salads, or cooked. It can even be experienced and mashed as a healthy alternative to mashed potatoes. Cauliflower is a source of the , magnesium, , , potassium, phosphorus and sodium. Calcium and is required for strong bones, whereas the blood requires the iron to form haemoglobin, while magnesium helps maintain muscle and nerve function in addition to supporting the immune system.

Manganez bağ dokuları ve kemikler için gereklidir ve kanda rol oynar. regulation. Potassium is needed to build muscles and proteins, to break down carbohydrates, and also to control electrical activity of the heart. Phosphorus is vital for strong teeth and bones in addition to working with B vitamins. Indeed, a number of the B vitamins are found in cauliflower.


Notice the impressive quantity of vitamin C present. Eating cauliflower regularly is obviously a very simple way to acquire these crucial nutrients. Choline is very good for a healthy brain. Indeed, adequate choline intake during pregnancy has been associated with boosting cognitive functioning and improving and learning in children. It may even help to fight against memory decline in later . So eat loads of cauliflower. The ample quantity of dietary fiber present in this vegetable allow it to be excellent for the digestive tract.

In addition to that, sulforaphane produced from a glucosinolate present in cauliflower can help to protect the stomach from becoming ulcers by preventing the development of the harmful bacteria Helicobacter pylori from the stomach. Glucosinolates in cauliflower also help activate and modulate detoxification enzymes. These glucosinolates are glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin, and gluconasturtiin, but in fact the glucosinolate content of cauliflower isn’t quite as much as that in crucifers like Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, broccoli or broccoli. Vitamin K behaves as a anti inflammatory inflamatuar reaksiyonu modüle etmeye yardımcı olarak.

Bildiğim iyi oldu

Ek olarak, glukosinolat glukobrassisin, genetik düzeyde çalışan bir anti-enflamatuar bileşik olabilen indol-3-karbinole kolayca dönüşür. Bu nedenle erken aşamalarda meydana gelen iltihaplanmayı azaltmaya yardımcı olur. Gerçekten de, karnabaharın sunduğu etkili anti-enflamatuar destek kardiyovasküler faydalar sağlar. Örneğin, bu sebzedeki glukorafanin, izotiyosiyanat sülforafan adı verilen bir kimyasala dönüşebilir. Bu sadece kardiyovasküler sistemde anti-enflamatuar etki başlatmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda kan damarlarındaki hasarı önlemeye ve hatta belki de tersine çevirmeye yardımcı olabilir.

The Omega-3 fatty acids within cauliflower are vital for the heart. They maintain regular heartbeat, reduce plaques on internal arterial walls, help to decrease blood flow, and increase good cholesterol. Studies have shown a connection between eating cauliflower and cancer prevention. The antioxidants vitamin C and manganese in cauliflower offers protection up to a point. But it’s the antioxidants like beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, caffeic acid, cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, quercetin, rutin, and kaempferol that do the majority of the work. This enormous antioxidant support helps to decrease the risk of oxidative in cells. Long-term oxidative stress creates cell damage and thus results in the growth of cancer. By providing us with such a massive variety of antioxidants, cauliflower obviously pushes the possibility of getting these deadly diseases.