and eye health are linked, for example, the more dark green leafy vegetables you eat on a regular basis, the greater the benefit you get when it comes to enhancing your vision health. While we’re accustomed to thinking about foods that are common to boost vision like broccoli, carrots and spinach, one special food for eyes that doesn’t necessarily come to mind is red cabbage.

Rdeče zelje

It is a superfood with cancer fighting properties. It supplies the body with general health care with its broad assortment of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Its vitamin content contains Vitamins A,C, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid and Thiamine, such as minerals like Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous, and Magnesium to name a few. Red Cabbage also provides coverage which improves eye health.

  • Vitamin C: Based on nutritional supplements, one astonishing nutrient truth about Red Cabbage is that it gives a higher volume of their daily recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C than citrus , to the tune of 56 percent. Concerning eye health, the consumption of the nutrient not only contributes to better eyesight but cuts the growth of cataracts by a third. This is a result of how the eye requires vitamin C to get rid of free radicals which have been due to direct exposure to sunlight.
  • : This is a nutrient that is very important to improving eyesight and protecting eye health. Concerning nutritional coverage for eye health, 1 cup of sliced Red Cabbage is made up of 33 percent of the daily recommended allowances for Vitamin A. According to nutritional experts, the nutrient coverage of the nutrient is subdivided into 3 unique parts: Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Beta- . Vitamin A plays a role in protecting the surface of their eyes and the mucous membranes to offer the eye with immune system defenses against, , virusi in očesnimi boleznimi. Lutein in zeaksantin ščitita mrežnico pred poškodbami prostih radikalov in zmanjšujeta nevarnost za starostno motnjo vida, makularno degeneracijo.
  • Boljša prebava: Po mnenju zdravstvenih strokovnjakov ima zelje terapevtske lastnosti, ki pomagajo pri preprečevanju razjede. V potrjenih znanstvenih študijah je zelje v obliki zelnega soka, ki so ga dnevno uživali tri mesece, ozdravilo želodčne razjede. To je posledica tega, da fitonutrientne zdravilne snovi v zelnem soku krepijo sluznico črevesja. Vlaknine v rdečem zelju prav tako izboljšujejo delovanje prebavnega trakta za boljše izločanje.
  • Preprečevanje raka: Rdeči pigment v rdečem zelju izvira iz flavonoida, ki je močan antioksidant in pomaga pri preprečevanju nekaterih oblik raka. Te lastnosti v boju proti raku pomagajo pri preprečevanju nastanka rakavih celic in popravljanju škode, ki jo telesu povzročajo rakotvorne snovi (toksini).
  • Spodbuja : When included as part of a well-balanced diet, it may aid in weight loss. This is a result of the fact it is low in calories and also includes a fantastic source of fiber which leaves you feeling full. Ultimately, If protecting your precious eyesight is a target, then, Red Cabbage is a good food choice for fitter and stronger vision.Finally, within a balanced diet, it gives good nutritional support in each field of health of vital interest and concern to you.