Chudnutie je na veľkej časti Američanov a je to naozaj ťažké bremeno. Podľa definície je chudnutie spojené s redukciou, ale redukcia zahŕňa oveľa viac ako len zbavenie sa nežiaducich kilogramov. Vnímanie je také, že musíte trpieť aj stratou pôžitku z jedla, komfortu pri jedení a určitého spoločenského potešenia.


The negative associations of losing weight are legion: abstinence, torture and deprivation, failure, guilt and the imagined prospect of being on a diet for the rest of your life. A heavy burden indeed! It’s clear that many people just give up. And yet in their resignation they find neither peace nor . Often when things are not working, it’s helpful to look at them from the inside out. A different viewpoint usually contributes to a fresh understanding which in turn may cause a new and improved approach, higher motivation and increased confidence.

Consider that maybe your real goal shouldn’t be but the much wider and more significant goal of good health. Remember, obesity and decent health cannot co-exist. Also, it’s extremely easy to be lean, unfit and unhealthy. It’s a lot more positive and uplifting to pursue a objective of energy and energy than to reside in a mindset of lack and suffering. As contradictory as it seems, the best way to losing weight is to “grow” your body lean, strong and healthy.

Vezmite na vedomie

To understand this better, compare various methods of approaching the previous standards of diet and exercise. Eat to grow powerful, build your immune system and . Eating well is as essential to life as breathing. The traditional way of losing weight is to limit calories, place yourself into starvation mode and force your body to scavenge its rezervy. Hoci je to nepríjemné, zdá sa to byť logické, kým si nepripomenieme základný účel jedla.

Food supplies the building blocks for growth and tissue repair, provides fuel for energy and minerals and vitamins as catalysts and to enhance the immune system. Don’t forget cool, clear water, the medium in which these miracles happen. If the standard of food is great, there isn’t anything you can cut out in the event that you would like to live and flourish.

Alternatíva diéty

The alternative to dieting would be to adopt a style of eating that is nutrient rich but not calorie dense. Coincidentally, the foods that fulfill the first requirement also fill the second. Additionally, they are tasty, filling and allow eating satisfaction without putting on the weight. These include lean meats, , non-starchy veggies and . Toto nie je "nízkosacharidová diéta", ale obilniny sú obmedzené, pretože obsahujú príliš veľa kalórií a v porovnaní s neškrobovou zeleninou sú ľahkými váhami z hľadiska vlákniny a živín.

If you don’t know you have the nutritional background, I suggest that you consult with a dietitian. In a couple of sessions that they can help you make a satisfying plan which meets the requirements above. Then get ready to flourish as you eat well, get lean and grow strong. Get going, not to calories, but to”increase” your lungs and heart, build some muscle, stimulate your immune system, improve bone density, relax, improve your attitude and have more fun in life.


Tradičný prístup k cvičeniu a chudnutiu je "kardio", často dlhší čas, v interiéri na systéme. Existujú telocvične, kurzy a programy, a aj keď splnia svoju úlohu, ak pri nich zostanete, je to fuška a zdá sa, že je potrebné veľa potu, aby ste sa zbavili malej váhy. Fyzická aktivita je pre ľudstvo prirodzená; pre našich predkov bola nevyhnutná; ako deti sme ju nazývali výkon. Teraz, keď sme starší, nie je dôvod byť telesnými lenivcami. To, že sme "civilizovaní", neznamená, že našou jedinou fyzickou činnosťou sa musí stať monotónna, umelá metóda na rýchlejšie chudnutie.

Chodievajte vždy a všade, kde môžete. Rozhliadnite sa okolo seba a vychutnávajte si svoje okolie. Vstaňte z gauča. Naplánujte si víkendové výlety do malebných destinácií, ktoré zahŕňajú chôdzu a zdolávanie kopcov. Natáčajte si televíziu. Ak sa k tomu nemôžete prinútiť, aspoň si veľmi vyberajte, čo sledujete. Tento zloduch vám plytvá telom a otupuje myseľ. Choďte von a používajte hrable na hrabanie lístia a kráčajúcu kosačku na kosenie trávy.

Záverečná poznámka

Breathe deeply, feel your heart, enjoy the motion of the body. Know that you’re growing stronger. Take a shower, rinse off the sweat and feel good. If you work in a desk, then elevate it so you can work standing up. Have a tall stool available for when you must sit. Take a fast walk many times a day. This will clear your mind and boost your productivity. You have the general idea. You’re moving away from anxiety and imposed duty to engage life fully, with energy and energy. If you’re like most people, you’ll discover that you’re also growing character and self-mastery.