Losing weight is on the mind of a good deal of Americans and it’s a really heavy burden. By definition, losing weight is related to reduction, but the reduction involves a lot more than the shedding of unwanted pounds. Perception has it that you also have to suffer the loss of eating pleasure, eating comfort and a particular social pleasure.

Kaalu kaotamine

The negative associations of losing weight are legion: , torture and deprivation, failure, guilt and the imagined prospect of being on a diet for the rest of your life. A heavy burden indeed! It’s clear that many people just give up. And yet in their resignation they find neither peace nor happiness. Often when things are not working, it’s helpful to look at them from the inside out. A different viewpoint usually contributes to a fresh understanding which in turn may cause a new and improved approach, higher motivation and increased confidence.

Consider that maybe your real goal shouldn’t be weight loss but the much wider and more significant goal of good health. Remember, and decent health cannot co-exist. Also, it’s extremely easy to be lean, unfit and unhealthy. It’s a lot more positive and uplifting to pursue a objective of energy and energy than to reside in a of lack and suffering. As contradictory as it seems, the best way to losing weight is to “grow” your body lean, strong and healthy.

Võtke teadmiseks

To understand this better, compare various methods of approaching the previous standards of diet and exercise. Eat to grow powerful, build your immune system and boost your energy. Eating well is as essential to life as breathing. The traditional way of losing weight is to limit calories, place yourself into starvation mode and force your body to scavenge its fat reserves. Although unpleasant, this seems to make sense until you recall the basic purpose behind eating.

Toit pakub ehitusplokke kasvuks ja kudede taastamiseks, annab kütust energia saamiseks ning mineraale ja vitamiine katalüsaatoritena ja immuunsüsteemi tugevdamiseks. Ärge unustage jahedat, puhast vett, milles need imed toimuvad. Kui toidustandard on suurepärane, ei ole midagi, mida võiksite välja jätta juhul, kui soovite elada ja õitseda.

Dieedi alternatiivi

Alternatiiviks dieedile oleks võtta kasutusele toitaineterikas, kuid mitte kalorivaene toitumisviis. Juhuslikult täidavad toidud, mis täidavad esimest nõuet, ka teist nõuet. Lisaks on need maitsvad, täidavad ja võimaldavad söömise rahuldust ilma kaalu tõstmata. Nende hulka kuuluvad lahjad lihatooted, , non-starchy veggies and fruit. This isn’t a”low-carb diet” but grains are limited because they pack too many calories and, when compared with non-starchy , are lightweights from the fiber and nutrient section.

If you don’t know you have the nutritional background, I suggest that you consult with a dietitian. In a couple of sessions that they can help you make a satisfying plan which meets the requirements above. Then get ready to flourish as you eat well, get lean and grow strong. Get going, not to calories, but to”increase” your lungs and , build some muscle, stimulate your immune system, improve bone density, relax, improve your attitude and have more fun in life.


Tavapärane lähenemine treeningule ja kehakaalu langetamisele on "kardiotreening", sageli pikemaajaliselt, siseruumides süsteemis. On olemas jõusaalid, kursused ja programmid ja kuigi need saavad tööd teha, kui sa sellega püsid, on see töö ja tundub, et väikese kaalu kaotamiseks on vaja palju higi. Kehaline aktiivsus on inimkonnale loomulik; meie esivanematele oli see paratamatu; lastena nimetasime seda sooritamiseks. Nüüd, kui me oleme vanemad, ei ole mingit põhjust olla kehaline laiskus. See, et me oleme "tsiviliseeritud", ei tähenda, et meie ainus füüsiline tegevus peab muutuma monotoonseks, kunstlikuks meetodiks, et kiiremini kaalust alla võtta.

Walk whenever and wherever you can. Look around and enjoy your environment. Get off the couch. Plan week-end excursions, to scenic destinations, that involve walking and climbing hills. Shoot your TV. If you can not bring yourself to do that, at least be very selective of what you watch. This villain wastes your body and numbs your mind. Go out and use a rake to rake leaves and a walking mower to cut the grass.


Hingake sügavalt, tundke oma südant, nautige keha liikumist. Tea, et sa muutud tugevamaks. Võtke dušš, loputage higi maha ja tundke end hästi. Kui töötate laua taga, siis tõstke see üles, et saaksite töötada püsti seistes. Hoidke käepärast kõrge tugitooli, kui peate istuma. Käige mitu korda päevas kiiresti jalutamas. See puhastab teie meeled ja suurendab teie tootlikkust. Üldine idee on teil olemas. Te liigute eemale ärevusest ja peale pandud kohustusest, et tegeleda eluga täielikult, energiliselt ja energiliselt. Kui te olete nagu enamik inimesi, avastate, et teil kasvab ka iseloom ja enesevalitsus.