A man has just 1 penis (well, except in extremely rare cases), so he really needs to practice appropriate penis protection to guarantee nothing untoward happens to it. Maintaining ir svarīgs vīriešu mērķis, un ir dažas ikdienas rutīnas, ko viņi var praktizēt, kas var palīdzēt virzīties uz šo mērķi. Ņemot to vērā , šie dos un don'ts var izrādīties noderīgi un izglītojoši.

Mazgāt katru dienu

Keeping the penis clean is among the best methods to maintain its health. Washing regularly can help keep back on harmful bacteria and fungi, in addition to combating the persistent penis odor that plagues a lot of guys. But do not wash mindlessly. There’s a perfect way to wash the penis – with warm (but not hot) water and a gentle cleanser. Hot water can scald the penis, in addition to dry out the . And harsh soaps may also de-moisturize the penis or trigger allergic reactions to chemicals and fragrances. And do wash under the hood. Men that are intact need to make certain to pull back the foreskin and gently wash there also. This could help stop smegma from building up.

Palieciet hidratēts

Drinking loads of water during the day is vital, particularly for guys in warm climates or those who work up a major sweat. Staying hydrated not only is good for overall health, in addition, it provides penis protection. A well-hydrated man is less likely to have dry, flaky penis skin, and he is less likely to develop kidney or urinary tract difficulties. Do use a . This is one of the major penis protection tips. Unless in a monogamous relationship with a trustworthy partner, using a condom is crucial to help cut down on the chance of obtaining a sexually-transmitted (STI).

Prezervatīvi nav 100% garantija pret saslimšanu, taču tie ievērojami samazina risku. Vai ejakulē. Pētījumi liecina, ka bieža ejakulācija var samazināt iespēju, ka vīrietis saslims ar vīrusu. vēlāk dzīvē. Turklāt regulāra dzimumlocekļa izmantošana ļauj puisim labāk iepazīt to, palīdzot viņam apgūt savas spējas to izmantot.


Smēķēšana ir kaitīga veselībai, tā rada starplaiku un darbojas pret atbilstošu dzimumlocekļa aizsardzību. Tas var ietekmēt , kas ir slikti. Konkrētāk, tas var izraisīt arī sirdsdarbības problēmas un kaitēt dzimumlocekļa asinsvadiem, no kuriem katrs var ietekmēt erektilās funkcijas.

Nesamaziniet miega daudzumu

Sure, there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything that has to be achieved – but cutting back on sleep is not any good. Men that undergo a proper amount of rest on a daily basis are generally fitter – and generally have livelier sex drives and fewer erectile dysfunction issues also.

Veiciet pašpārbaudi

ap bumbiņām un dzimumlocekli, lai pamanītu jebkādus mezgliņus vai izciļņus, var palīdzēt brīdināt vīrieti par iespējamām problēmām. Tāpat pievērsiet uzmanību čūlām, pūslītēm, izciļņiem, izsitumiem, sāpēm vai neparastiem izdalījumiem. Ja kaut kas šķiet neierasts, pārrunājiet to ar pieredzējušu ārstu.

Nobeiguma piezīme

Do aid your manhood defense regimen by the daily application of a top drawer penis health creme. Like all of the body, the penis benefits from exposure to vitamins, so pick a crème that comprises a broad range – such as vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E. The best crème will also include amino acids, for example L-arginine. This component works to boost nitric oxide generation, which then helps penile blood vessels to open and expand when additional volumes of blood rush into the penis.