Žmogaus imuninė sistema yra atsakinga už kovą su mikrobais ir virusais, kurie bet kuriuo metu gali užpulti mūsų organizmą. Su tam tikrais mikroskopiniais užpuolikais susiduriame kasdieniame gyvenime - nuo šalia sėdinčio žmogaus autobuse iki durų rankenų, kurias turime paliesti, kad patektume į savo biurą, taip pat atlikdami įvairius reikalus ir naudodamiesi telefonais. Jų yra ant klaviatūros, kurią vis ketiname išvalyti - mikrobų yra visur.

Ar žinojote?

Paprastai paliečiate šiuos mikrobus ir perkeliate juos nuo paviršiaus į ranką. Palietę veidą, ypač burną ar nosį, jie patenka į jūsų vidų. Jei turite sveiką ir stiprią imuninę sistemą, įsibrovėliui sunaikinti bus paleistos įvairios ląstelės. Mažos baltosios ląstelės, vadinamos limfocitais, yra pagrindinė imuninės sistemos dalis ir keliauja krauju, be to, per visą limfinį skystį. Limfocitai skirstomi į grupes, įskaitant B ląsteles ir T ląsteles.

Skirtumas tarp šių dviejų rūšių ląstelių yra tas, kaip jos elgiasi su įsibrovėliais (antigenais). B ląstelės užklumpa antigenus, bet iš tikrųjų gali į juos neįsiskverbti, o T ląstelės prisijungia prie ląstelių ir suaktyvina kitus imuninės sistemos elementus, t. y. NK ląsteles ir fagocitus. NK ląstelės yra natūralios žudikės, kurios puola viską, ką suvokia kaip grėsmę, o fagocitai yra didesnės baltosios ląstelės, kurios praryja ir suvirškina organizmą.

Atkreipkite dėmesį

B ir T ląstelės gali tapti atminties ląstelėmis, kurios leis nuolat to a specific disease – the body will then be protected from precisely the exact same antigen should it be struck again. During the course of a life, the body builds and rebuilds its number of lymphocytes, together with the surplus cells dying off. It’s not necessary to attempt and construct a “super immunity” against ailments because your body is really remarkable in doing all of this on its own, but there are a number of diseases where the resistance itself is attacked (AIDS being the most common of them ), leaving the body open to opportunistic infections of all types.

Additionally, there are diseases that cause the body to turn on its own self. These autoimmune diseases include lupus and scleroderma, amongst others. There are lots of steps that you ought to take to maintain the immune system running the ideal way. These include getting better nutrition, getting enough vitamins, relaxing with friends, getting enough exercise, getting enough sleep and getting a flu shot.

Ką daryti?

There are quite a few shaky products that promise to allow you to enhance your immune system, but ultimately it is your general and wellbeing that is quite important. Just as you can’t get rid of weight in just 1 area of your body, you can’t work on just one area of the immune system and believe you will benefit at all. Good nutrition is like a home – it ought to have a good base in place before you can begin incorporating the walls and the roof. Regardless of what sort of diet plan that you would like to follow, whether it be vegetarian, vegan, meat and potato or another, you must be aware of the base – the three big building blocks of all diets.

Every food that you eat, from the great (wilted Swiss chard with balsamic vinegar and walnuts) to the not so great (molten chocolate cakes with whipped cream topping), can be categorized as one of the three macronutrients. All meals are comprised of a fat, a arba baltymų. Kai kuriuose maisto produktuose yra daugelio iš jų elementų, tačiau galiausiai jie suskaidomi ir organizme laikomi vienais ar kitais. Nesvarbu, ką jums sako populiarios madingos dietos, bet nė be vieno iš šių trijų produktų negalėsite gyventi, bent jau ne gerai ir neilgai.

Sveiki riebalai

You want healthy fats in the diet. You want good, complex carbohydrates in your diet. You need lean in your diet. They all work together from the body to help keep it running at top condition, so it’s important to learn what they are, what they do and why you want them. Fats are broken down by the body and will be stored as fat but also play other parts in the body too. First, they function as a secondary energy source for the body. Second, good fats work to lower the body’s inflammatory reaction.

Bad fats, on the other hand, increase this response. The inflammatory response is a significant contributor to . Good sources of fat include salmon, mackerel, tuna and other oily fish, nuts and nut oils, olive and olive oil and avocados. Bad sources of fat include any fat that is solid at room temperature in addition to any fat that contains the term”hydrogenated”.


There are two kinds of carbohydrates, simple and complex. The main job of both kinds of carbs is to offer energy to the body. Each carb is broken down in the body and then used as fuel. The easy carbs are those which are broken down quickly, leaving the body flooded with blood . In response, the body releases a lot of the hormone insulin, which will shuffle all the blood glucose into storage as fat. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are digested more slowly and don’t cause the blood glucose level to spiral out of control. They are then used for energy and when desired, the excess will be stored as well. Good carbohydrates include the entire grain foods.


Protein comes from two sources, plants and animals. All animal protein is complete since it gives all eight of the essential amino acids which the body can’t make by itself. On the other hand, only soy protein is complete, with all other plant proteins being incomplete since they’re lacking one or more of the essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine, methione,threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine). A vegetarian diet will still get enough protein for a healthy one if there’s sufficient variety to compensate for all the different amino acids which are lacking. Protein from lean meats and low-fat dairy products are a fantastic way to find animal proteins also. Protein supplements may also be a fantastic way to get sufficient protein and can be utilised as a meal replacement if they have enough or as a between-meal snack. Protein is crucial to the immune system and a number of proteins are shown to enhance the immunity and provide solid immune system support. Whey protein is full of glutathione, an antioxidant that’s necessary to support a healthy immune system. Additionally, it comprises the antimicrobial property, lactoferrin.