Enligt äldre uppfattningar kan akne bero på överdriven konsumtion av fet mat och choklad. Många läkare och andra hudspecialister säger idag att det inte finns något bevisat vetenskapligt samband mellan mat och akne. Jag skulle dock hellre tro att det du väljer att stoppa i dig har en bestämd effekt på ditt välbefinnande, t.ex. ditt hudtillstånd.

Vad bör man undvika?

Sugary foods, excessive caffeine, and fatty, fatty snacks–all have a negative impact on our bodies and general health. Not drinking enough water also doesn’t assist in skin formation and repair of new tissue. If your skin is very prone to acne, using a bad diet will definitely not help the situation. It’s understood that eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates may cause a surge in insulin. This in turn may create a condition called IGF-1, in which an increase in insulin generates the creation of excess male hormones.

Excessive male hormones can make an excess of sebum, the greasy stuff that can clog pores, bring , and create monster zits. IGF-1 is also thought to cause keratinocytes to multiply, which can wreak havoc on skin. Doctors have always warned of the health risks of consuming saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats have a general negative impact on the body, weakening the immune system, promoting inflammation, also for acne sufferers, possibly increasing the skin’s oil production level.

Vad ska jag göra?

För att få en så fin hy som möjligt ska du hålla din kropp frisk och full av bra, hälsofrämjande näringsämnen. Du bör sträva efter att minska mängden mättat fett eftersom det främjar inflammation och inte hjälper dig i kampen mot akne. Vissa oljor är dock helt avgörande för din hälsa. Dessa essentiella fettsyror minskar inflammation och hjälper till att främja frisk hud, hår och naglar.

Exempel på detta är olja, oil, and fish oil. You should also make certain you have an adequate supply of och on a regular basis. Vitamin A is paramount for promoting healthy skin. Avocados and carrots are excellent sources of Vitamin A. Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, and Zinc are other vital nutrients for promoting a great complexion. Another aspect to think about concerning diet is the food allergies. Sometimes, people experience severe cases of acne, even if they lead a very healthy diet and have not suffered from severe acne before. In such cases, the cause might be a possible food allergy.

Kom ihåg

If you suspect that your acne is caused by a food allergy, then start by increasing your daily quantity of water consumption. Then attempt to rule out the origin of your prospective acne. Common causes of food allergies include dairy products, extra sugar, and specific refined flours and grains. Also, avoid foods rich in iodine, which are linked to acne. Iodine-rich foods may include salt, liver, cheese, shellfish, shellfish, clams, and kelp products. If you have iodized salt, make the switch to sea salt. If you discover dairy products worsening your acne, then consider switching to soy or rice and cheese products. The only way to establish if there’s a link between your food and acne is first by making certain adjustments to your diet. Observe carefully and see whether you are better able to control your acne through the diet changes. Even if your acne isn’t caused by diet, you get in terms of having a healthy and well nourished body. It’s very likely your physical appearance will benefit from a body that’s not full of junk food!