Have you ever wondered why using a rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is essential to good immune health? Research continues to show why they are beneficial to our immune system. Not only do they provide , but a huge range of additional immune-boosting vitamins and biologically active compounds. These biologically active, immune-boosting chemicals are known as phytonutrients.


These awesome phytonutrients act as antioxidants, neutralizing toxic free-radicals. An antioxidant rich diet requires a load off your immune system, enabling it to remain strong and efficiently fight-off germs and cancerous cells. Some kinds of phytonutrients have been have antibacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory properties. Aside from phytonutrients, vegetables and are abundant in many immune-enhancing minerals and vitamins.

The most valuable players for immune health are: vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, beta-carotene and zinc. Each of these is vital for improving the activity of white blood cells and boosting the production of other resistant chemicals, such as interferon. Studies indicate that vitamin C may shorten the duration of a cold. There are five different colour groups of fruits and veggies and every category has unique types and quantities of phytonutrients, and vitamins, and minerals.

Wat moet ik doen?

To be able to find the maximum number of nutrients from fruits and vegetables, the key is: diversify! Red- berries, , red grapes, red berries, apples. Tomatoes, watermelon, and grapefruit are abundant from the powerful anti-oxidant, vitamin C and lycopene. Orange/Yellow- squash, tomatoes, corn, bell peppers. What makes this group special is the antioxidant and important vitamin, beta-carotene. Green- spinach, collards, broccoli, brussel sprouts. These are a fantastic source of B vitamins.

They’re also full of beta-carotene in addition to another antioxidant, lutein. Blue/Purple- berries, grapes, plums, cherries. The resveratrol and anthocyanins in this category have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties. White- mushrooms onions, cauliflower. Shitake and maitake mushrooms have chemicals which improve the activity of certain white blood cells. The indoles in cauliflower stimulate cancer-fighting compounds.


Het menselijk lichaam wordt voortdurend aangevallen. In de vervuilde wereld van vandaag zijn gifstoffen aanwezig in water, voedsel en de atmosfeer. Dat is de reden waarom het zo uiterst belangrijk is om zoals Glutathion in je dagelijkse voeding. Het is een van de belangrijkste elementen om die gifstoffen te neutraliseren en te elimineren. Als je lichaam een tekort aan glutathion heeft, is het niet in staat zichzelf te ontgiften. Je immuunsysteem, endocrien systeem en zenuwstelsel raken dan uit balans, wat kan resulteren in een heleboel gezondheidsproblemen.