Mushrooms are an amazing, and often overlooked, dietary necessary. They enhance the flavors of foods, and provide a range of health benefits from reduction of tumor size (and a few claim cure cancer entirely ), to controlling the , to adding essential vitamins and nutrients into the diet. They’re low in calories, easy to prepare and flexible enough to go into almost any dish you can imagine.


Největším zdravotním problémem většiny lidí je rakovina. V Severní Americe bude během našeho života diagnostikována rakovina u každého druhého člověka. To je obrovské číslo. Zajímavé je, že tato čísla můžeme ovlivnit tím, co konzumujeme. Rakovinné buňky se v našem těle objevují neustále. Když jsme zdraví, náš imunitní systém a další systémy v těle pracují tak, aby rakovinné buňky zničily.

Teprve když naše se sníží, naše tělo je zaneprázdněno jinou hrozbou nebo je imunitní systém natolik přetížen úkolem likvidovat toxiny a bránit se virům, že se dostaví nemoc. V případě rakoviny, kterou necháme bez dozoru, bude růst a šířit se, až nakonec zcela ovládne tělo a zemře. Rakovina je však pouze jedním z problémů.

Vezměte v úvahu

Many individuals often have cold and influenza viruses that cause a temporary illness, and some people, exposed to the same virus will not become ill. Some people have an out of control, over active immune system. These people wind up with allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, , citlivost na chemické látky nebo jiná autoimunitní onemocnění.


These will help keep your immune system functioning properly so such issues of sickness hat plague others do not need to bother you. So how can you eat mushrooms daily? Don’t you get tired of them? Mushrooms are so flexible that you could brew them as a tea, or , cut on salads, or sauteed with onions as a side dish. You can purchase dried mushrooms and rehydrate them with water, broth, green tea, vegetable or vegetable juices or wine and use them in practically any sort of dish you can imagine. Following are only a small few of the most well known medicinal mushrooms and how they can help in your goal of optimum health.

SHIITAKE (shitake)

Proslulé shiitake had a polysaccharide called lentinan. Lentinan has been isolated from the mushroom and is employed as an anti-cancer medication in Japan. Lentinan also boosts immune system allowing it to fight off flu and cold viruses, over come disease, and even boosts the immune profile of a patient with HIV. Other compounds in the shiitake mushroom have been demonstrated to reduce blood cholesterol. Yet another chemical in this Asian shrub, L-ergothioneine, is a really powerful anti-oxidant. ABM (agaricus blazei murill) – The ABM is full of fiber and minerals, and contains vitamins and amino acids. It helps diabetics control sugar, lowers cholesterol, reduces stress, prevents ulcers, and helps prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, it promotes immune function and is a highly effective anti-tumor food, assisting beat back cancer.


is particularly valuable in lung disorders since it helps to strengthen the lungs, and assist breathing in asthma and pneumonia. Reishi also is packed with anti-oxidants, fiber, selenium. It fights off viruses, relieves inflammation, aids with allergies, and is antibacterial. It’s also is a potent anti-cancer agent. Also, Ling Zhi-8, a protein isolated from this fungi helps decrease risk of transplant rejection.


Also called “Hen of the Woods”, the maitake is another highly effective cancer inhibitor and tumor suppressant. Additionally, it lowers blood in diabetics, and helps lower cholesterol, lower blood . Má antibakteriální vlastnosti a posiluje imunitní systém, což pomáhá odvrátit virové infekce.


As with all of the mushrooms, chaga helps regulate the immune system. Additionally, it helps with detoxification, stimulates the central a zvyšuje pružnost a mladistvost pokožky.


Kvalita bílkovin hlívy ústřičné je téměř stejná jako u živočišných bílkovin, což z ní činí vynikající náhradu masa pro vegetariány. Obsahuje vlákninu, vitaminy B1 a 2, minerální látky a železo a navíc je silným antioxidantem. Kromě toho je silným protinádorovým prostředkem, obsahuje také antivirové a antibiotické vlastnosti a navíc snižuje hladinu cholesterolu. Toto je jen 6 z více než 300 léčivých hub. Většina z nich je v Severní Americe snadno dostupná v místních obchodech s potravinami. Držte rakovinu a další nemoci na uzdě. Jezte některé z těchto hub denně.