With flu season approaching, many family doctors are gearing up to see to the onslaught of influenza patients. During this time, physicians would like you to keep away the flu by getting a flu shot. Among the best things you can do to protect against the flu this winter is to practice good hygiene. Keeping yourself clean is the best way to keep the away.


During the influenza season, family doctors say that you should always clean your hands with hot soap and water for many minutes. Alternatively, you may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. You should also try to keep your hands away from your face whenever you’re out in public. The flu can easily be spread when germs on your hands get into your nose, eyes, and . Unabhängig davon, ob jemand in Ihrem Haus an der Grippe erkrankt ist, sollten Sie es sich zur Gewohnheit machen, Ihr Haus zu dieser Jahreszeit so gut wie möglich sauber zu halten.

Sie müssen es nicht übertreiben, aber Sie müssen die Böden sauber halten, vor allem wenn Sie in Ihrer Wohnung Turnschuhe tragen. Achten Sie darauf, den Teppichboden zu saugen und Ihre Holz- oder Fliesenböden mit Dampf zu waschen oder zu reinigen. Achten Sie auch darauf, dass Sie Oberflächen abwaschen, die regelmäßig berührt werden, wie Lichtschalter, Wasserhähne und Türklinken. Sie können diese einfach mit einem antibakteriellen Spray oder Reinigungsalkohol absprühen.


To help keep the flu at bay, many family doctors advise that you eat a nutritious diet. A diet full of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, is a excellent way to keep you healthy during this time of year. Be sure to eat a good deal of healthy greens, such as or kale, in addition to colorful and fruits. Some terrific items to keep in your diet include citrus fruit, broccoli, peppers, und einige andere Produkte, die Sie mögen. Achten Sie außerdem darauf, täglich mindestens acht Gläser Wasser zu trinken.

Some family physicians may advise that you take some supplements during flu season to help avoid any sickness. One supplement you might want to try is . Zinc is beneficial in preventing colds away by improving your immune system if it’s deficient. Vitamin D is also an excellent supplement to take if you happen to be deficient. It can lower your odds of becoming sick with respiratory ailments, which often come together with the influenza .


Echinacea is thought to be useful in reducing symptoms of respiratory ailments, and additionally, it makes it possible to get well faster. If these are options that you would like to consider, make certain to speak with your doctor about it first. Should you get ill with the flu, the most important thing family doctors want you to remember is to care for yourself. Make sure to get a great deal of and take in as much fluid as you can. Once your fever is gone, you’ll have to remain home for an extra 24 hours to be certain that the virus is totally gone.