V primerjavi z drugimi vodotopnimi vitamini, 12 isn’t excreted in urine, but is stored in the liver, kidney and other body cells. Hence, it may be five to six years before somebody actually develops a lack syndrome for vitamin B12. The general idea is that body shops do no exhaust before several years. The usual symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiencies are excessive fatigue, breathlessness, listlessness, pallor and poor resistance to disease.


Posledica so lahko tudi nevrološke spremembe, kot sta odrevenelost in mravljinčenje v stopalih in rokah. Drugi simptomi lahko vključujejo zmanjšano občutljivost za or pressure, blurred vision, abnormal gait, sore tongue, menstrual disorders and poor concentration levels. Instead of a dietary deficiency, a lack of vitamin B12 is usually related to a malabsorption of it. In such a scenario, the ne more ustvariti dovolj snovi, imenovane intrinzični faktor (IF), ki je nujna za absorpcijo vitamina B12.

This type of condition, termed pernicious anemia, is an autoimmune disorder, wherein the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. Vegetarians possibly at a for confronting deficiencies brought on by dietary reasons, because the only confirmed source for vitamin B12 intake is your animal resource. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, and a brief supply of this causes anemia. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 also contributes to the disruption of generation, and because of this, abnormal cells called megaloblasts happen, resulting in megaloblastic anemia.


Pomanjkanje vitamina B12 je lahko povezano tudi z različnimi nevrološkimi in duševnimi motnjami. Pomanjkanje kobalamina povzroča upad kognitivnih sposobnosti, degeneracijo živcev in nepopravljive nevrološke poškodbe, zlasti pri odraslih po petdesetem letu starosti. Dojenčki žensk, ki se prehranjujejo strogo vegetarijansko, imajo zelo omejene zaloge tega vitamina in če pomanjkanje vitamina B12 pri dojenčkih ni odkrito, lahko povzroči trajne nevrološke okvare.

Depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can also be caused because of lack of vitamin B12. Other effects of deficiency may be asthma, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, tinnitus, diabetic neuropathy and reduced sperm counts. Ataxia (shaky movements and unsteady gait), muscle weakness, spasticity, incontinence, hypotension, eyesight problems, psychoses, and mood disturbances would be the other ailments that have recently been associated with potential vitamin B12 deficiencies.

Zaključna opomba

Ženske z rakom dojk imajo pogosto nižjo raven vitamina B12 v krvnem serumu. Vzroki za pomanjkanje vitamina B12 so lahko poškodbe jeter zaradi prekomernega uživanja alkohola, gastrektomija (tj. kirurška odstranitev dela ali celotnega želodca ali odstranitev ileuma (dela črevesja)) in slabo delovanje trebušne slinavke. with Helicobacter pylori, a frequent cause of atrophic gastritis and , can also contribute to adult vitamin B12 deficiency.