Beim United States Postal Service gab es ein Problem, das sich in der Nachtschicht ereignete. was suffering for decades, and the turnover rate was high. In addition to that, late night staff were suffering more ailments, sleep disorders, and living shorter lives than their counterparts working morning and evening shifts. While the mood could not have been described as gloomy, it was especially downbeat by comparison.


A study was commissioned by the Postmaster General in 1992. The objective of the research was twofold-to find the root cause and discover a way to fix it. When the results came back, it looked clear. The problem was that graveyard shift employees were not getting enough light in their eyes. The Postal Service increased the wattage of the fluorescent tubes, and productivity increased dramatically. It’s not known how this ultimately influenced the long-term health of the employees, but the story is essential. It illustrates the finding that in the event that you don’t get sufficient sunlight on a long-term foundation, you might be missing out on plenty of vital energy, happiness, and better health.

I don’t know if you’ve ever watched very many apps on the Discovery Channel. I don’t see an awful lot of tv myself, but I to flip through the channels once I have a few free moments to see if there is interesting to watch. On their own show, Eco-Tech, there was a small story on how many modern skyscrapers are being built for increased energy and material efficiency. For this section they did a job up on a few of the newest skyscrapers in New York. It’s designed to be easy to keep and utilized one third less steel than many buildings of equal size, but that was not what grabbed my attention.

Berücksichtigen Sie

Was mich wirklich beeindruckte, war die Art und Weise, wie die Wände angeordnet waren. Es wurde so eingerichtet, dass alle Mitarbeiter und Manager in jedem Büro des Gebäudes tagsüber Zugang zur Sonne haben. Es überrascht nicht, dass die Mieter von der höheren Produktivität der einzelnen Abteilungen des Gebäudes beeindruckt waren. Wenn das Sonnenlicht auf die Augen trifft, aktiviert es sofort die Nerven, die die ein Neurotransmitter, der direkt mit der Stimmung und dem emotionalen Zustand verbunden ist. Es dauert nur wenige Minuten, bis das Energieniveau zu steigen beginnt. Dieser Effekt kann durch sehr helles Leuchtstoff- oder Glühbirnenlicht nachgeahmt werden, aber er kann nicht vollständig durch künstliche Mittel repliziert werden.

Es gibt einfach keinen Ersatz für Sonnenlicht. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, sich dieses Ergebnis zunutze zu machen, besteht darin, Türen und Jalousien während der Wach- oder Arbeitszeiten zu öffnen, um so viel Sonnenlicht wie möglich in Ihr Haus oder Büro zu lassen. Dies kann auch dazu führen, dass Sie weniger Strom verbrauchen. Es gibt noch eine andere Wirkung der Sonne, aber dazu müssen Sie hinausgehen und die Sonnenstrahlen in Ihre Haut aufnehmen. Ich spreche natürlich von D.

Vitamin D

In letzter Zeit wurde viel darüber berichtet, und das aus gutem Grund: Es wird immer mehr festgestellt, dass der Vitamin-D-Spiegel jeden Aspekt der physischen und psychischen Gesundheit beeinflusst. . The most recent buzz began in October of 2006. Three professors from Kings College of London reviewed the evidence that Vitamin D slows the growth of cancerous tumors. They moved on to examine the records of over 1 million cancer patients. The proof demonstrated that cancer survival rates may be directly tied to the time of year that individuals were diagnosed as well as the degree of sunlight they were getting.

Here’s the actual kicker-not only was the quantity of sunlight exposure patients obtained during treatment significant, but so was the sum they obtained before their diagnosis. For many individuals, the simple act of moving outside while they were healthy let them conquer cancer as it struck. Since that time, Vitamin D has been associated with a lot of facets of health. A study published in the January 2008 issue of Circulation revealed that people with low blood levels of Vitamin D were 62 percent more likely than those with higher degrees to develop heart disease or suffer a stroke.


Vitamin D ist nachweislich von entscheidender Bedeutung für das reibungslose Funktionieren des , and lots of ailments caused by autoimmune disorders have symptoms which may be relieved by daily sun exposure. If someone offered you a magical pill-one that could boost your energy level, make you more likely to be healthier as you aged, better your odds of surviving a life threatening illness, increased your productivity on the job and was 100% natural and free of charge-would you take it? Wouldn’t you try it? Why not try it right now? If you are reading this while the sun’s out, go outside once you finish reading this and get some sunshine on your face. If it’s dark at the moment, that is okay. Plan a 20 to 30 minute walk or outside activity for tomorrow.