About three decades back, I tried the Atkins for losing . The Atkins Diet is a really low-carb, higher regimen. I did - fast 60 Pfund. Ich fühlte mich nicht hungrig - tatsächlich verlor mein ganzer Körper jegliches Verlangen nach Mahlzeiten, einschließlich "Mundlust" und "Heißhunger", weil ich einer anderen schlechten Angewohnheit frönte, die ich letztes Jahr aufgegeben hatte.

Was geschieht hier?

Additionally, the acid reflux which was plaguing me for a couple of years was gone after only a couple weeks of following the diet. I followed the diet to the letter, not cheating, going through the two week”induction” period, of very low intake (nearly NO carb intake, really), and tested my urine with the keto sticks each morning, first things, to be certain I was keeping ketosis. I got both the simple book about the diet and the Atkins Cookbook, and learned how to make some delicious food.

I also used the Atkins Shake mixes and canned shakes, for when I had been at work in the morning, and had to gulp down a quick . The wonderful thing was that the weight came off where I had off it the most- in my stomach and abdomen. Many experts say that people who “carry” their extra weight in the belly are more prone to Diabetes than individuals that are equally obese, but with an even distribution of extra poundage within the body. I was wearing clothes I had not worn in a couple of years. I had been on this”amazing diet”, as my disapproving physician called it, for approximately five months. I looked great and did not feel hungry.

The pain

What stopped me from continuing was pain- sharp, intense pain in my kidneys which began suddenly one day. I discovered that kidney failure was a hazard of following this diet. I ceased, and the pounds came back with a vengeance- probably gained back that I’d lost. Despite taking a multi-vitamin and a lot of different supplements daily, I became deficient in certain phytonutrients, such as Vitamin C.

The past couple of months I had been following the diet, I had no , and caught colds easily. I also have a little lump in my left leg- if it’s a little gout or something else from the diet, I do not understand. But the significant thing was that the extreme pain in my kidneys, which induced me to stop instantly. I’m still trying to find the diet program that is right for me.


Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich Kalorien gezählt, an Weight Watchers teilgenommen (3 Mal), einfach nur gehungert, und trotzdem keine dauerhafte Lösung gefunden. Ich glaube, einschränken war der ideale Weg für mich, aber nicht so schlecht und nicht für so lange Zeit. Dottye ist Immobilienmaklerin in Zentralflorida, Ehefrau, Mutter und Großmutter. Sie ist Autorin eines Buches und vieler Kurzgeschichten, Lieder, Gedichte und Artikel.