You don’t want your body to appear bulky. You won’t look bulky unless you take steroids or have muscle building genes that are superior to most men. How often do you see a strong woman? Stop comparing yourself to those who are ‘bulky and think they have big bones or too much muscle. To achieve your ideal body, you must lose fats. Since and diet are the most important aspects of fat loss, I will first discuss nutrition and . It sounds easy enough: eat less than what you expend to ; eat more than what you expend to .

Metabolic Rate

This holds true up to a point where a further decrease in food intake doesn’t result in a decrease of weight. This is due to a decrease of metabolic rate. The body attempts to preserve what it has and shuts down. Also, hormone levels can be affected. You feel tired, weak, and lethargic. You may also feel frustrated by the lack of progress. Overeating causes and you eat more. Strength training is what you need to build muscle or preserve any muscle you have from dieting (hard dieting can cause rapid muscle loss). It puts stress on your muscles, continually challenging them to make them feel the need to keep them or build them. One note about aerobic exercise.

Cardio Training

Cardio (running, swimming, etc.) is not necessary for fat loss. Cardio only burns calories for the time you are doing it. This can easily be achieved by eating less. It doesn’t help to increase your metabolic rate after exercising. Weight training, on the other hand, builds muscle and has an indirect effect upon increasing metabolism. Studies have shown that weight training can increase metabolic rate for up to 24 hours. It is clearly the best choice for those looking to lose fat.

Cardio is still recommended for cardiovascular health. I bet that most of you want a better body. I’ll explain how weight training can achieve this. Weight training has a huge advantage in that it increases metabolism and keeps it high for long periods. This effect is stronger in weight training than in aerobic workouts like running. Unlike weight training, your metabolism will return to normal after such activities. A higher metabolism leads to greater fat loss because of a lower calorie intake. This will help you reach your goals quicker.

Imagine this

You eat a long time without any weight training and lose WEIGHT – muscle and fat. Your metabolism slows down and it takes longer to lose the same weight. You may feel flabby throughout the body due to muscle loss. This can also lead to a decrease in strength which can affect your daily activities. In the end, you will feel smaller than your self, but also weaker and hungryer. This is a brief note. You might think that I am a bullshitting because I said to eat less than what you expend, and you lose weight.

Common sense will tell you to eat less during a phase of fat loss. How is it possible to gain muscle? Here’s the good news: Because weight training is a new concept to them, this new stimulus (stressing by weights on the body) builds muscle efficiently, sometimes even on a low caloric diet. This applies only to beginners with higher . Muscle building is also possible by adjusting your meals to work out. It’s not uncommon for beginners to gain muscle and lose weight simultaneously. However, it’s difficult for experienced trainees to do this unless they’re taking drugs or have stopped training for a long time.

Did You Know?

Women are at risk of osteoporosis and bone mineral loss. It is important to take steps to ensure strong bones starting young. Strength training is the only activity that can continuously place stress on your bones to keep them strong and slow down bone loss. Anyone can take up strength training, no matter their age. Hip fractures can be very painful. A smaller chest size is another benefit. This is not due an increase in breast fat (although that would be nice), but hypertrophy, or the growth of muscles in the chest and back. This creates the of a larger bust. Also, a little flesh in the hips can help.

This will give you the hourglass figure that everyone is talking about. While we’re at it, I want to address a huge misconception about weight training. High repetitions do not burn fat or tone muscles, at least not in that particular area. High repetitions with light weight can increase muscle glycogen depletion, and may increase the rate of fat loss. However, this is only if you have a low caloric intake. Because heavy weights provide the best stimulus for the body, your main training should not be limited to them. Doing 500 situps per week will not give you a six-pack, especially if your stomach is full of fats. You won’t tone your biceps by using pink baby weights for five minutes each.

Strength gains

These will not be achieved by lifting light weights or performing high reps. This is except for endurance, which isn’t really necessary in real life unless your activity requires it. Another common belief is that muscle will become fats if you stop training them. This is something that makes me squirm. How ignorant are people? As is skin, muscle tissues and fat tissues are completely different. It is not possible to turn your skin into bone. As with many bodybuilders, some people can gain weight by stopping training.

They lose muscle without training, which causes a drop in metabolism. They still eat the same amount of food as when they were training. The excess calories eaten results in fat gain. People mistakenly believe that fats are made from muscle loss. It is clear who the winner is. Muscles are essential in boosting metabolism. Strength training will make you stronger. Strength increases confidence and makes everyday activities easier.