Inside the body, the immune system consists of an’army’ of particular cells. These defenders each have distinct purposes and are located in various regions of the body. As an example, some do their work in the blood, tonsils, appendix and spleen, while some operate from the gut and lymph nodes. For the purposes of this guide, we’re going to consider the particular purpose of the in encouraging .

Lymfatický systém

  • Lymphocytes: These are a sort of white blood cell which determine the sort of immune response to infectious and other foreign substances that enter the body. Lymph: This is a clear fluid, which bathes the cells and carries immune cells (such as T and B lymphocytes). The lymphatic system collects excess fluids, gases, nutrients, ions, hormones, enzymes and plasma cells from surrounding tissues and returns them into the blood flow, once pathogens, a odpad boli odfiltrované.
  • Lymph vessels: Fluids move from our blood vessels into tissue spaces, and into lymph capillaries. These then combine to form larger lymph vessels. The lymph vessels carry lymph. Lymph nodes: Located along the lymph vessels, these are small glands interspersed along lymphatic vessels. They act as collection sites and cleaning filters, which form a part of an immune system reaction against infection. Lymph must pass , before going into the blood.
  • Tonsils: Tonsils are both lymph nodes located on both sides of the back of your throat. They serve as a defence mechanism, helping to prevent disease from entering the of the body. The thymus gland: Located behind the sternum and between the lungs, this gland is only active until puberty. After puberty, the thymus begins to shrink and is slowly replaced by fat. Thymosin is the hormone of the thymus, and it stimulates the growth of disease-fighting T cells.
  • Peyer’s patches: These are small masses of lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine. They form an important part of the immune system by tracking intestinal bacteria populations and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines. Did you know that possibly the most important part of your immune system would be on your gut? A huge 70 percent of antibody-producing cells are situated at Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT), located in the gut. GALT is considered the greatest collection of immune cells in the human body.
  • Slezina: Slezina je orgán, ktorý sa nachádza na ľavej strane hornej časti brucha. Jej najdôležitejšími funkciami sú filtrácia krvi, tvorba nových krviniek a uchovávanie krvných doštičiek. Okrem toho je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou imunitného systému.

Čo robí?

  • Boj proti chorobám - ako sme už spomenuli, lymfatické uzliny obsahujú zvýšené množstvo bielych krviniek, ktoré pohlcujú baktérie. Ak máme infekciu, uzliny, ktoré sú najbližšie k webovej stránke, sa zväčšujú, pretože sa v nich množia biele krvinky. To je dôvod, prečo sa lymfatické uzliny (napríklad na krku, v podpazuší a slabinách) počas choroby často zväčšujú - znamená to, že plnia svoju úlohu!

Keď si to uvedomíme, je ľahké pochopiť, že lymfatický systém zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri odstraňovaní toxínov a patogénov v tele, a tým všeobecne podporuje imunitný systém. Udržujte lymfu v pohybe! Medzi hlavné veci, ktoré sa treba naučiť o lymfatickom systéme, patrí to, že nemá obehové "čerpadlo" rovnajúce sa . Avšak vzhľadom na to, že je zberným miestom mnohých toxínov a odpadových látok, je samozrejme dôležité, aby sa tieto nežiaduce látky pohybovali a nakoniec smerovali k odstráneniu z tela. Možno vás prekvapí, že v tele máme približne 3-krát viac lymfatickej tekutiny ako krvi.

Pamätajte si

Compared to blood, which can be pumped around by the heart’s contractions, lymphatic fluid generally flows around our body . But how does this occur? This therefore highlights the importance of maintaining active and breathing deeply – by doing this, you’ll be supporting lymphatic drainage and helping to cleanse your immune system! The average modern way of life, full of anxiety, work pressures, family pressures, lack of exercise, environmental toxins and unhealthy foods can place a massive strain on our toxic loads and, thus, the lymphatic system on a daily basis. A sensible exercise regime and can go a long way towards reducing this burden.