Very simply, your immune system is the front line of defense against all invaders to keep you healthy. Collectively, these constitute a group of antigens. The answer to these is invaders is called the antigen response. The word comes from the creation of antibodies to fight them off. This sophisticated system consists of , cells, organs, and cells. These all interact in a really sophisticated network of partnership towards a single goal – keeping you healthy.

Låt oss börja

För att göra det enklare kallar vi alla inkräktare för "de onda". De celler som är normala och friska, en del av ditt "jag", är "de goda". Vid varje given tidpunkt har vi massor av dessa främmande inkräktare i vår egen kropp. Och vi tar ständigt in nya "onda män" via maten, vattnet och luften. Detta försvarssystem har en stor uppgift att fylla, och en tar aldrig en paus. För att fungera korrekt måste det ha förmågan att välja om det som kommer in i ditt system är bra eller dåligt. I ett välfungerande immunsystem identifieras vänner och fiender på rätt sätt.

To make things more complex, pathogens or “bad guys” can adapt and change quickly, fooling or tricking this system into accepting themand you may get sick. So it is war between the good guys and the bad guys! When a pathogen enters the blood, there’s an immune reaction. The white blood cells engulf the and consume them. The smaller lymphocytes must be a bit more clever – they must adapt a particular defense to them.


B-cellerna identifierar patogenerna som skurkar, varefter Killer-T-cellerna dödar dem. Hjälpar-T-cellerna hjälper till, och när blodbadet är över stänger suppressor-T-cellerna av immunreaktionen. När det gäller immunitet finns det en känslig upprätthållas. Om immunförsvaret är för svagt, så kallad , or too powerful, as in auto-immune ailments, problems can result. Immunodeficiency occurs when a individual’s immune system isn’t strong enough to fight off disease.

Among the most famous examples of immunodeficiency is HIV. By comparison, an overactive system is known as an auto immune disease or . Here, the normal cells and cells are identified as enemies, and then the killers (T-cells) and eaters ( White Blood Cells) go in and ruin this healthy tissue. Some examples of autoimmune disorders are Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and Lupus. The immune system you’re born with is known as your . What we do to improve our immunity to disease, is part of what’s known as our adaptive immune system.

Adaptiv immunitet

An example of adaptive immunity is getting a vaccination, so that your body builds up a defense or antibodies to the vaccine. Because of this, if and when you’re exposed to the virus which was from the vaccine, your immune system will fight off it and you won’t get ill. This way your immune system has memory. The analysis of all aspects of this and how it relates to human health is known as immunology. This is an ever growing area, and with complexities which are continually uncovered daily we learn more about how we can protect ourselves and our health through improved comprehension of our immune system, both innate and adaptive.

Genes play their role, and we can finish up. This is our front line of defense against all foreign invaders, so we can surely strengthen our army of great men to keep out the bad guys. In order to do so, it’s important to exercise regularly, eat well, get regular rest, keep a healthy , and nutritional supplement with what’s missing. Additionally it is important to prevent eating toxins wherever possible, and in which it’s not feasible, to remove them as soon as they’re ingested. And it goes without saying that smoking, alcohol abuse, and improper medication use will do damage to this intricate system also. Often, when our resistance is down and we get sick, we go to the physician. At this time the method is reactive.

Avslutande anmärkning

We’re finding more and better ways today to be pro-active, and to protect against this in the first place by quitting the invaders in their own tracks. This is accomplished by building a very strong shield – a healthier immune system. has been shown to maximize the adaptive immune system, and therefore it’s quite important to boost glutathione levels so as to keep healthy and ward off disease. Glutathione is a balancer, so if you’re immuno-deficient, you’ll get stronger. If you have an autoimmune disease, glutathione will re-balance it. It “knows” what to do, and gets busy doing it. Our immune system is quite complicated, and requires very precise interaction and raw materials to do its’ job well. We can do our part to maintain ours strong by eating well, resting, exercising, and optimizing it by increasing our glutathione levels. So keep your immune system strong by preventing disease before it strikes. You’ll be happy and healthy consequently!