Îți amintești că mama ta insista să mănânci citrice. frecvent când erai copil? Nimic nu poate fi mai valoros! Citricele sunt un depozit de vitamina C, de care vom avea nevoie pentru a asigura buna funcționare a diferitelor organe și organe din corpul nostru. Așadar, mulțumește-i mamei tale și asigură-te că și copiii tăi primesc cantitatea perfectă de vitamina C din alimentația lor.


Oranges, lemons, tangerines, limes, , tropical guava, and kiwi fruit are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Papaya, strawberries, black currants, red peppers, tomatoes; potatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower are various other sources. If you include these in your family’s diet, there’ll be no requirement for vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C plays various immunity functions; it assists in healing and prevents diseases from spreading.

Vitamin C is vital to prevent scurvy and for sperm production. It gives and assists in the production of certain hormones which help to fight-off stress. Additionally, it protects against heart disorders. Additionally, it is vital for the formation and health of skin, cartilage, and blood vessels and helps our body to readily excrete .

Știați că?

Research suggests that low levels of Vitamin C in the body reveal a strong correlation with cancers of the esophagus, mouth, stomach, and pancreas. Another research indicates that consuming small quantities of citrus fruits reduces the incidence of skin cancer. Some studies indicate that Vitamin C can help control pain and inflammation. However, Vitamin C can’t help you heal insomnia, contrary to popular belief. To make certain that you get adequate amounts of vitamin C out of your diet keep cooking temperature and time at a minimum.

De asemenea, nu aruncați apa pe care ați folosit-o în procedura de gătire. Puteți păstra fructele și legumele tăiate în frigider pentru a le folosi ulterior, fără ca acestea să piardă multă vitamina C. Totuși, nu gătiți în vase de cupru. Un fapt fascinant este că nivelul de vitamina C din fructe variază în funcție de gradul de coacere. De exemplu, la anumite fructe, modelele necoapte au mai multă vitamina C decât cele foarte coapte, iar la diferite fructe situația este exact inversă. În plus, diferite varietăți ale aceluiași fruct au adesea niveluri diferite de vitamina C. Acest lucru este clar demonstrat în cazul guavei tropicale.

Notă finală

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C fluctuates between 30 and 60 mg across different countries. Research indicates that women that are pregnant or lactating might have a greater requirement. However, simply because vitamin C has lots of health benefits you do not need to consume huge amounts of and fruits rich in this vitamin. Remember to incorporate five fruits and vegetables in your daily diet; choose whatever you like and eat reasonably. Vegetables such as grapefruit are known to respond with some prescription medications, so consult your physician before you incorporate this fruit into your diet. Consumption of too much Vitamin C through dietary sources or by means of supplements can lead to acute indigestion, headache, and excessive urination.