Probiotics are the new buzz words nowadays, simply because we’re learning more about their amazing advantages to digestive health and applying the knowledge to ward off diseases and lead to longer, more productive lives. Probiotics are typically utilised in exactly the exact same sentence (or 2 ) with our immune system; the association between both are inextricably linked and they work together to maintain our internal systems in check.

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Isto deve-se principalmente ao facto de haver 70% do nosso sistema imunitário nos intestinos, cuja saúde é regulada pela flora intestinal. Então, como é que isto funciona? Os investigadores médicos estão a descobrir que uma das chaves para uma boa saúde se encontra no interior do nosso intestino, especialmente devido ao mundo de germes que nele vivem. É também onde residem as células do sistema imunitário. A quantidade de investigação está a aumentar, demonstrando que as bactérias "boas" não são apenas benéficas para a saúde digestiva, mas podem também ser excepcionais na estimulação da função do sistema imunitário.

Some researchers are already working on understanding new found advantages of probiotics as an important component in the relationship with . The overall advantages for probiotic health just keep adding up. According to the World Health Organisation, probiotics could be described as live micro-organisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.

Probióticos naturais

A rich in naturally occurring probiotics has become encouraged and advised. Before our comparatively recent discovery of bacteria that are good, all bacteria were outcasts and weren’t given the respect they deserved. Among the first probiotic strains which was found and used as an antibiotic therapy came from the bowels of a soldier during the First World War. He didn’t succumb to the spread of infectious bacteria that caused chronic diarrhoea (shigellosis) and killed many.

The bacterium, Escherichia coli Nissle strain was shown to be an effective way of treatment, when antibiotics weren’t yet available, for those who have severe gastrointestinal ailments. An imbalance of favorable versus harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract or gut may result in digestive complaints that may cause a lot more serious health issues. Some researchers believe that symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome are directly associated with a bacterial imbalance.

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Harmful germs or microbes proliferate in states in which there is an imbalance; if there are insufficient good bacteria to keep good health. These symptoms may be mild to severe gastrointestinal complications and . The interesting fact about germs is they are unique to every individual, starting at birth and extending through life. The GI (gastro-intestinal) tract of a human foetus is totally free of bacteria and fungi. But just before babies enter this world they ingest friendly microbes within the mother’s birth canal as they proceed through. Those born by Caesarean section acquire microbes from the environment. In actuality, we’re bombarded with 10 times more germs in our bodies than the amount of cells which exists within us.

Getting loads of probiotics has become an important part of a healthy immune system. Choices of probiotics in foods may seem small. One option you may use is to take probiotics in capsule supplements or add the powder form to your favourite yoghurt to raise the quantity in your diet. Not all probiotics are created equal. Due to the popularity of probiotics nowadays, you will find questionable products on the market with fraudulent labelling. When picking a Brand of probiotics elect for one that shows the results of an independent assay.

Tomar nota

Preparing your probiotic through fermentation is easy to do and can be equally as effective. The Lactobacillus bacteria are responsible for fermentation; they also inhibit the practice of putrefying bacteria that cause foods to rot. , fruits, and are generally used for fermentation as well as individuals that are lactose intolerant can usually enjoy fermented dairy products, since the lactose is converted to lactic acid. When you eat homemade desserts use them as condiments and much less important portions of your meal, such as fermented used as “ketchup” and implemented modestly on foods.

  • Colocar os pedaços cortados numa tigela, adicionar sal marinho e triturar os pedaços.
  • Gather all components, including the juice, and set in a wide-mouth jar leaving about an inch of space on top. Seal the jar tightly preventing air from getting in.
  • Conservar num local fresco e escuro, a cerca de 4 - 6 graus Celsius.


Probiotics aren’t just nutrition, nor are they just food. They are living bacteria which exist in a symbiotic relationship with the human body. They secrete compounds that regulate cell function and there are lots of strains of bacteria that are beneficial for your health which help to resist the growth of germs and infectious agents. Also called intestinal flora, micro flora and gut flora, probiotics can reduce autoimmune diseases (, allergy), improve nutrient absorption, decrease , combat yeast , treat halitosis, cure diarrhoea and constipation.

As boas bactérias podem estabilizar o ambiente bacteriano do trato digestivo, aumentando as respostas dos anticorpos IgA gastrointestinais e controlando de perto a inflamação associada às infecções. A ingestão alérgica está associada a uma seleção de benefícios para a saúde, especialmente o equilíbrio da microflora no interior do trato gastrointestinal. Numerosos estudos revelam que a defesa natural do corpo contra infecções, especificamente, linfócitos e anticorpos são melhorados com uma dieta que inclui ingredientes probióticos.

Os seus efeitos benéficos têm andado em círculo completo, tornando-se populares, diminuindo e voltando a ser mais populares do que antes. Quando os antibióticos foram introduzidos pela primeira vez nas clínicas de saúde, foi exatamente na mesma altura em que os probióticos se tornaram conhecidos na matemática como uma parte essencial de um sistema imunitário saudável. Os probióticos não conseguiam competir com o antibiótico potente e de ação rápida. Infelizmente, este facto afastou os probióticos das luzes da ribalta e remeteu-os para uma relativa obscuridade durante algumas décadas, embora Alexander Fleming, o próprio descobridor da Penicilina, aconselhasse a utilização de um probiótico juntamente com o antibiótico.


This is still good advice, just remember to take them in another time; the probiotic prior to a meal and the antibiotic some time after. Today we understand how damaging long-term use of antibiotics is to our immune system. Antibiotics work by destroying both friendly and harmful bacteria leading to a diminished immune system. The more we are exposed to antibiotics that the more dangerous are microbes which evolve to infect our diminished system. Also, any undesirable bacteria not ruined by the antibiotic are more powerful by and thus we’re left with a gut currently populated with a much stronger strain. This is the main reason for antibiotic-resistant pathogens.