Muitas doenças subjacentes podem levar à inflamação do corpo. A artrite é uma fonte significativa de inflamação, tal como outras doenças auto-imunes. A inflamação é um produto do sistema imunitário do seu corpo que liberta glóbulos brancos e outras substâncias que podem realmente causar mais danos do que benefícios. Se o nosso sistema imunitário estivesse sempre nas melhores condições, a doença não teria a capacidade de interferir com a nossa saúde.

Sistema imunitário

O sistema imunitário inclui diferentes funções, incluindo um sistema de desintoxicação corporal, o sistema inflamatório e anti-inflamatório, para além do seu sistema antioxidante. Se ocorrer desequilíbrio em alguns destes sistemas por não se obterem os nutrientes apropriados, isso aumenta a possibilidade de qualquer doença crescer, mesmo cancro. O ponto vital é, se a falha alimentar ocorre simultaneamente, qualquer tipo de doença é praticamente inevitável.

The immune system in our body is the defence against illness and disease. There are various problems with the of today: Too many processed genetically modified crops, too many processed foods with high quantity of sugars, salt, Tran’s fats, and preservatives which are a threat to our health. Essentially, arthritis is joint inflammation. It contributes to stiffness, swelling and limitando assim os seus movimentos. Quando crónica, esta condição pode danificar a cartilagem e aumentar a dor. Se quiser melhorar o seu problema, deve corrigir a situação durante o tratamento.

Formas naturais

There are lots of natural anti inflammatory that could help curb joint inflammation as highlighted below. Most of us would not have given bay leaves another thought; bay leaves are a powerful anti inflammatory spice. You may use them to flavour poultry, meat, and stews before eating these foods. Traditionally using as a remedy for arthritis, research studies clearly demonstrate that parthenolide abounding in bay leaf is in reality a Cox-2 inhibitor, which makes it an effective anti aging representative.

Cox-2 is an enzyme responsible for inflammation. The spice is within the roots or rhizomes of Curcuma longa. Approximately three percent of turmeric is with different curcumin or curcuminoids. Curcumin has high anti inflammatory qualities. Many scientific and medical studies alike replicate curcumin’s inflammation fighting properties. It reduces inflammation through nine biological mechanisms. No other substance is similar with as many advantages as turmeric, which makes it rank among the best anti inflammatory spices you can possibly get to help reduce your inflammation.


Está no topo da lista de especiarias anti-inflamatórias versáteis que pode usar nas sobremesas, para além das entradas. É um quase açafrão-da-terra, como um antioxidante que inibe muito a enzima Cox-2. Além disso, o gengibre usa blocos lipoxigenase, outra enzima crucial para a redução de produtos químicos inflamatórios no organismo. O chá de gengibre é um suplemento antienvelhecimento de confiança. O gengibre é também um anti-inflamatório que você poderia usar para a artrite reumatóide e osteoartrose.


Contém and sulphur and is crucial in maintaining a normal immune system. It’s replete with chemicals associated with N-acetylcysteine, a potent antioxidant that helps your body reduce inflammation and fight infection. Selenium compound helps your body to make glutathione peroxidise, a potent antioxidant that helps your body breakdown poison. Sulphur enhances the chance for your body to create glutathione. As in a nutritional supplement, green garlic extract is a fantastic way to top up your garlic ingestion. The best way, use fresh and locally grown garlic as far as possible; the neighborhood garlic not only tastes better especially when in season, than the imported variety. Some imported garlic being fumigated with methyl bromide to kill bugs and plant matter, bleached with chlorine to appear white, treated with growth retardant to stop sprouting and a few instances cold stored for up to twelve weeks. There’s not much benefit left in this sort of garlic, if any.

Algumas marcas de supermercado importaram alho da China e foram encontradas contaminadas com uma combinação de químicos, também níveis substanciais de arsênico e chumbo. Ao usar alho fresco de muito boa qualidade, os benefícios para a saúde são quase infinitos.


The spice oregano contains many substances like eugenol, ursolic acid and caffeic acid. You may often find it in Italian dishes like lasagna, spaghetti and pizza. It is possible to use oregano anti-inflammatory spices externally by thumping their leaves into glue mixed with warm water or warm water. You could even add oatmeal to form a paste like consistency. Rub this paste on muscles and joint and ease swelling.

Dieta recomendada

Increase your consumption of arthritis friendly foods like those abounding in omega 3 fatty acids i.e. olive oil, fish oil etc. will help suppress inflammation. The omega 3 particularly is quite important in your daily diet. Omega 3 has to come from the you eat because it can’t be made from the body itself. Cruciferous vegetables like , , cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are a must to decrease inflammation. They also have a terrific supply of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Make cruciferous vegetables a substantial portion of your diet. These organic ant inflammatory spices help curb arthritis related problems. When beginning this diet, remain persistent and keep consistency. You’ll receive results and feel the benefit.