The proverbial fountain of youth can not be found in a fountain. It’s not hidden in a jar of expensive face cream or skin serum. It’s not about going’under the knife’ for plastic surgery. But it’s out there. It’s in our city parks, on the bike paths. It’s in our neighborhoods, on the sidewalks. It’s in our neighborhood fitness facilities or neighborhood pool. It’s from the tennis courts, athletic fields, as well as on our televisions, with the aid of DVD players.


Most of all, the fountain of youth is inside ourselves. All we must do is get up off the couch and start moving. Exercise is the fountain which we may drink out of, to keep ourselves young, internally and externally. Research has demonstrated that exercise is good for our bodies, in so many ways. It’s just as important for our brains. Our physical health and mental health are linked and support each other. What we do to, one affects the other. Aerobic, also called ‘cardio’ exercise is just one of the options for improving our bodies and our minds.

According to researchers, it is among the greatest exercise choices we can make for ourselves. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which may cause a shortened span, include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, high og høyere kolesterolnivåer og .

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Research shows that can decrease these risk factors in a number of ways.

  • Regelmessig aerob trening styrker vår og bidrar til at blodet pumpes bedre. Musklene våre trenger mer oksygen i blodet, noe som igjen gjør musklene friskere.
  • Regular aerobic exercise, together with eating a healthy , helps us shed extra weight. Additionally, it reduces our blood pressure and enhances our resting heart rate. Regular aerobic exercise can help decrease our overall and ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol levels, and conversely, increase the ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol. It helps manage those people with diabetes, by enhancing glucose levels in the blood.
  • Regelmessig aerob trening øker utholdenheten og får oss til å føle oss sterkere. Ved å beskytte immunforsvaret hjelper det oss med å avverge mindre alvorlige sykdommer. Det bidrar til å kontrollere kroniske sykdommer som diabetes og høyt blodtrykk.
  • Endelig øker regelmessig aerob trening vår generelle funksjonelle form, noe som bidrar til en sterkere alderdom.


Funksjonell kondisjon betyr mer frihet, mindre fare for å falle og mye mer grunnleggende kroppsstyrke. Det er ikke bare kroppen vår som drar nytte av aerob trening. Aerobic fører også til bedre hjernefunksjon. Når hjertet og blodårene blir kraftigere og mer effektive, blir også hjernen bedre. . Mer oksygen pumpes inn i hjernen og øker frigjøringen av visse hormoner som bidrar til å få hjernecellene til å vokse og skape flere nerveforbindelser. Forskning viser også at aerob trening kan styrke hippocampus, den delen av hjernen som spiller en viktig rolle for vår evne til å lære og huske.

Aerobic exercise also enhances our mental health by fostering our disposition and lowering anxiety levels. It may improve quality and decrease anxiety. It makes a confidence in our ability to take care of life stressors as they appear. These benefits contribute to better brain functioning. Achieving longevity in our lives isn’t merely about living longer. It’s also about living better, healthier, and stronger. A regular exercise program, especially aerobics, may result in that fountain of youth by providing us with an assortment of health and health benefits for the body and brain.