Iedereen kan ziek worden. De medische wetenschap toont natuurlijke oorzaken van ziekte aan, zoals genetische aanleg, giftige omgevingen en microben. Net als regen en hagel kan ziekte iedereen overvallen. Maar hoe zit het met variabelen die ons beter maken? Wat veroorzaakt gezond herstel en genezing? Volgens veel spirituele denkers is er een levenskracht in het lichaam en de geest.

Laten we beginnen.

Een universele genezende kracht die via mensen kan werken. Vandaar het oude medische adagium "vis medicatrix natura", (de genezende kracht van de natuur). Volgens deze oude opvatting zullen veel kwalen vanzelf verdwijnen en wordt het lichaam vanzelf beter. Hippocrates geloofde dat een organisme niet passief staat tegenover ongelukken of ziekten, maar zichzelf opnieuw in evenwicht brengt om ze tegen te gaan. Veel mensen, die lijden aan chronische, hardnekkige aandoeningen, zouden deze zienswijze fel kunnen betwisten.

Nevertheless, it does appear to apply at least to many severe less severe ailments. It’s been long established that a healthy , adequate sleep and bodily , reinforce our defences against bodily illness. The body sets up a procedure to repel the virus or bacterial invader and, after sickness, recovery can place in. Medicine along with other remedies can help this procedure. Orthodox physicians use surgery and pills to deal with the body directly.

Houd rekening met

All healers in complementary medicine encourage victims to produce a conscious act of turning towards, what they view as, a natural healing in life, that can restore the body. Healers may use ‘laying-on-of-hands’ or working just above the surface of the body to trigger this natural healing force. The state of illness isn’t seen as a malady but an attempt of the body to overcome a disturbed balance. Conventional science still regards the power of the work of healers as unproven.

Er is echter heel wat degelijk onderzoek met gecontroleerde studies verzameld. Soms falen genezers, maar dat geldt ook voor elke medische behandeling. Voor veel waarnemers die de tekenen nader hebben bekeken, ondersteunen de resultaten de realiteit van geestelijke genezing zonder redelijke twijfel, b.v. het veroorzaken van verbeteringen in enzymniveaus, schimmelgroei, snelheid van wondgenezing.

Wist je dat?

Sceptici beweren dat de voordelen vaak het gevolg zijn van het zogenaamde placebo-effect. Volgens de psycholoog Dr. Daniel Benor, die de onderzoeksresultaten heeft onderzocht, kan spirituele genezing echter plaatsvinden wanneer emotionele factoren, die zich zouden kunnen manifesteren als het placebo-effect, zijn weggenomen of in de analyse zijn verdisconteerd. Volgens religieus filosoof Emanuel Swedenborg is er een algemene instroom van de energie van herstel in het karakter vanuit zijn goddelijke creatieve Bron.

I would suggest that this is shown for example by the naturally occurring healing of skin that is moisturizing, and healing from the common cold. However, we could unwittingly inhibit this flow of healing energy by creating disease in our own bodies by making wrong decisions in life. We make ourselves at risk of disease if we don’t wash, live in unsanitary conditions, have a completely sedentary , smoke, drink immoderate quantities of alcohol or consume food to excess. Likewise, emotional lowers the body’s ability to resist illness.

The purpose of conventional medical treatment appears to be to remove whatever blocks the ability of healing. One example is that the surgeon’s ability in eliminating disorderly obstructions within the body. Another is the emotional therapist’s help to the individual to find and deal with the emotional turmoil which had caused or high blood pressure. Take away the emotional problem and the body will heal itself. Another block to recovery is to do with a feeling of isolation from the heart of life. Instead, a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, gazing at works of art – have triggered positive emotions boosting our immune system.


Some healers use guided visualisation. Those patients who regularly practise it, show lowered heart rate and blood pressure. These changes can persist over the long run and have beneficial effects on . Is this because the technique induces a higher state of consciousness and so openness to healing? One block to recovery is that the so-called ‘second arrow’ known in . Getting upset, stressed and feeling distraught often go to people who have persistent pain. Craving for relief and distraction from the pain begins to fill their thoughts.

Recognised teachers of Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) use this method of meditation, to not remove pain however, to educate a new way of relating to pain. To decrease the appreciable level of with which many people usually respond to pain. We feel calmer during meditation once we learn to fail alarming thoughts and deflecting worries. Practitioners report an increased ability to dis-identify with the disharmony one experiences both inside and about oneself. This results in a sustained meditation practice.


From a spiritual standpoint, healing is hindered if people of religion neglect to open their hearts to the presence of the idea of the Divine Being perhaps an imagined sacred face of . I don’t think God miraculously heals everybody’s diseases, however genuine their religion or how sincere their prayers. What’s provided for us might not be what we request. Butif we open ourselves to the Divine, in an attitude of humility and respect, then we experience a profound sense of feeling accepted. I can’t prove this, but I’d say in this way we can be given a therapeutic presence into our bodies and minds.