Many men and women suffer from a plethora of symptoms but are advised by Drs. The problem is that the medical profession denies the presence of candida and for that reason can’t treat it. You might get the odd health care professional that knows about it and will prescribe something for it. For those of you that aren’t knowledgeable about Candida, this is exactly what it is and it can be what is bothering you.

Candida albicans

It is a natural inhabitant, yeast which lives in your colon. It’s a small group of parasites which co-exists with other microbes and bacteria that are friendly. It thrives in that poisonous putrid, moist waste land. For a normally functioning colon candida isn’t a issue but if you’re chronically constipated and backed up or if your immune system is compromised because of poor diet or over use of antibiotics, then Candida can become more abundant and transform into its fungal form that could then escape through the intestinal wall and wreak havoc in other parts of your body and you’ll be able to experience a multitude of symptoms.

It’s particularly insidious because it can alter its form to endure similar to certain bacteria can change form and become resistant to antibiotics, Candida could be resistant to antifungal. When Candida starts to proliferate it grows like a weed and sprouts long tendrils that burrow deep into the intestinal walls. This is the start of disease and disease. If for some reason Candida gets into your blood stream then the spores have carried along and deposited into another hot moist manhood where it takes on a fungal form and resumes its attack on the host. It can be a formidable enemy that could make your life miserable and it makes it even more miserable when your physician has taken a complete battery of tests and tells you there is nothing wrong with you.

Know better!

You know how you are feeling and it isn’t normal! These are the most common symptoms mentioned but there can be others. These signs can be mild to severe. To discover if you have candida you can do a simple home test that’s been fairly reliable to determine if candida is an issue for you. In the morning when you wake up, before you do anything else, then work up some saliva in your mouth and then spit it into a glass of fresh water. Wait for around 30 minutes then check the water. One of four things may occur. If there are strings coming down from the spit floating in the water or when the water is cloudy or speckled then you might have Candida.

If you do not have candida the spit should just float on top and the water must remain clear. There are lots of reasons why candida can get such a problem. One is over use of antibiotics. This kills the friendly flora and enables the rapid development of candida as does Steroid abuse. Another significant element is that our environment and the changes in the food sector. Exposure to a toxic environment weakens our immune system.

Living on the golf course is all nice and pretty but the truth is that you get exposed to the continuous spraying of chemicals which you can’t escape from. The business smoke stacks are built high up but you’d be a fool to believe it doesn’t affect you. Cars and trucks are a massive source of contamination for the previous 60 to 70 years and we’ve been lulled into a non thinkingness about it. We simply don’t have a thought about it when we walk down the road and get bombarded with toxic petro. It’s the same with the food sector.

Be aware

We used to eat healthy meat, , vegetables and grains which weren’t tampered with. Now, the significant players are finding ways to make food last longer with additives, dyes and chemical sprays. Processed food should be a no no for anyone who wishes to stay healthy let alone somebody who has candida or other relevant health issues. What do you need to do to take care of candida? Stop eating processed foods. Aside from non perishables, simply go to the meat and produce department for all your meals. Unless you’re stocking up for a hurricane or any emergency, I do not suggest you eat anything that’s not in its normal form.

Organic, raw are best however, be careful not to eat a lot of fruits; they have a whole lot of sugar. The fruits which are extremely high in fiber are blueberries, plums, raspberries and strawberries. 1/2 cup of theses veggies have more fiber than many bran muffins. Steer clear of meat that’s been fed hormones. If you will partake of milk foods, also get it hormone free.


Yeast thrives on sugar. It enjoys sugar and will develop more prolific with sugar solutions. You will not eradicate candida unless you quit eating those cookies, desserts and snacks. We ate sugar 80 to 100 years back, we do not need them now. Drink lots of water. This makes sure that toxic material can get eliminated from the body. Just like a toilet won’t be able to remove fecal matter without water, so is it also with the human body. Drink a lot of pure water. on a regular basis. This also helps to keep the intestines functioning properly, and of course all the other advantages you receive by .

You can jump start your treatments by doing a coffee enema daily for a week maybe two and then once a month for maintenance. Full caffeine organic coffee works best and you should just use filtered water. Coffee enemas help remove impacted fecal matter rather quickly and might get rid of the parasites and yeast. There are two herbs which you can increase the coffee solution which make it even more effective. Aloe Vera and slippery elm. You can buy these herbs in capsule form. Take two of each, break open the capsules and put them in the coffee. They’re soothing and help with .

Good to know

Psyllium seed and Bentonite will also be great organic resources for cleaning out the colon. Psyllium seed is used as a laxative but be certain you drink a full glass of water or it may have the opposite effect and constipate you. Bentonite is a volcanic ash which brings toxins to it. The bentonite doesn’t get absorbed into the system so it’ll be disposed of as well as what toxins it’s attached to it. The issue with these herbs is that even though they do operate, it may have quite a long time before it’s effective with Candida.

It may take up to a year until it’s totally handled. There’s a new product which works much faster and is quite effective for a great deal of people. This is the Threelac system. Threelac products are extremely effective based on reviews and has revealed relief in as little as 2 to 3 weeks. There’s also Threelac for kids. If your child has thrush or diaper rash that doesn’t go away, it’s a yeast issue. Results differ from person to person and the level of severity will also make a difference in how long it takes for healing.

Your body needs the friendly flora to keep its regular ph balance. Threelacs advanced formulas work to restore your ph balance to help your body recover naturally and quickly. Remember, Candida feeds sugar off! Americans eat enormous amounts of sugar and is the largest single element in Candida over development. Candida’s appetite for glucose is insatiable. You may reduce (but not entirely manage ) Candida by cutting out sugar in your diet. Natural and fruit sugars ought to be all your body needs.