In our technologically advanced society, why have the advocates of conventional medicine not found a cure for the ? Причината е, че честата настинка не е проблемът; тя е само симптом или ефект на основния проблем. А какъв е основният проблем?

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95 percent of our illnesses are brought on by stress. And why have the professionals and researchers of conventional medicine didn’t realize that? The reason is that the fans of conventional medicine still assert that the world is material in its heart; and therefore they continue to deal with the symptoms instead of the invisible causes since the indicators are material and palpable. And they continue to do so 81 years following physicists found in 1925 that atoms were created from .

If energy makes molecules, and atoms make molecules, and molecules create cells, and cells create us, then we, too, are energy. The supporters of conventional medicine also have been wrong about the causes of stress. Stress isn’t due to our outside environment; stress results from what we perceive our outside environment to be. For instance, darkness may lead to stress in one person; whereas it has no influence on someone else.

Нервна система

Вегетативната ни нервна система е центърът за контрол на стреса в тялото ни. Вегетативните нервни системи се делят на парасимпатикови и симпатикови нервни системи. Парасимпатиковите ни нервни системи контролират неволевите функции на тялото ни, като имунната система, храносмилателната система, сърдечносъдовата система, неврологичната система и репродуктивната система. По време на това нормално функциониране на тялото клетките ни са в режим на растеж, а имунната система на тялото ни лекува тялото ни.

Our sympathetic nervous systems are triggered when we perceive danger, whether real or imagined; and that perception of threat triggers our anxiety. As our bodies prepared themselves for immediate physical action, they are now in a fight or flight mode. Our sympathetic nervous systems deliver adrenalin, , and oxygen to our organs active in warding off danger. Our cells now change from a growth mode into a self-protection mode. And when our cells are in a self-protection manner, our immune systems closed down and are no longer available to cure our bodies.

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But when stress disappearsour autonomic nervous systems automatically change our cells back into expansion mode; and our immune systems can be found again to heal our own bodies. Our bodies are now in homeostasis or normal body functioning. But what happens if anxiety remains in our own bodies? If anxiety remains in our own bodies, whether or not we know it, our cells stay in a self-protection manner, and illness, disease, and disease manifests. So how can we eliminate stress from our own bodies? How can we return our cells to expansion mode? How can we trigger our immune systems to heal and protect our own bodies? We do this by fixing or altering our destructive pictures.