Yoga professionals develop self monitoring skills even through the comfort at the end of the yoga course. Yogic relaxation exercises are many, and vary from progressive muscle relaxation to breath awareness. There’s nevertheless a systematic relaxation of many body parts which deeply relaxes body and , and can infuse the body with awareness at a cellular level.

About energy

Where goes, energy follows. Disconnection in the body is one cause of illness. This felt and conscious connection with over 100 body parts during yogic relaxation, infuses the parts with life energy, also referred to as chi, or prana. Researchers, by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA) and Bangalore Institute of (BIO), testovali relaxačné techniky jogy na ľuďoch žijúcich s v druhej a tretej fáze a zistili, že cvičenia boli úspešné nielen v boji proti nežiaducim účinkom , ale tiež pomohol zachovať úroveň imunity v boji proti chorobe.

Techniky jogy

Patria sem pozície, dýchanie, pohyby rúk, meditácia, samoštúdium a pohodlie. Ak vyzdvihneme pohodlie, existuje najmenej desať jogových relaxačných metód na upokojenie mysle a uvoľnenie svalov. . Benefits from relaxing body and mind affect us physically, emotionally, mentally and emotionally. In an official yoga on the mat , we could develop our self monitoring skills by paying attention to a lot of intricate details of our physical body. Or on the other hand, we might discover that simply knowing and feeling whether we’re maintaining length in the spine, suffice for self evaluation of their physical.

Udržiavanie vedomia o pohybe dychu počas udržiavania pozície tiež rozvíja naše schopnosti sebapozorovania. A na jemnejšej úrovni je uvedomenie si a sebahodnotenie toho, ako sme uzemnení alebo v akú ľahkosť veríme, prvým krokom k udržaniu energetickej rovnováhy pri pozícii. Na hlbších úrovniach, keď zostávame v pozícii stabilní, môžeme pozorovať a cítiť, ako veľmi zúfalé zostáva naše srdce a/alebo v akú oddanosť veríme.

Pamätajte si

The longer we have the ability to breathe and hold easily in the pose, we might observe ourselves enveloped with feelings of softness, surrender or guts. The more we have the ability to associate with all levels of our being, i.e. physical, energetic, mental emotional, religious, the more we improve the health of our and boost the feeling of well being. Energy follows our attention.