Gallocatechol (also called epigallocatechin) is a powerful flavan-3-ol and (a group of non-essential, plant based chemical compounds which have many health benefits in people ) that’s been linked with a strong heart and (a group of biological structures and procedures which fight disease and foreign bodies). In this column I will be providing a complete breakdown of the phytonutrient and covering the richest fontes.

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Dr Michiyo Tsujimura was the first person to detect gallocatechol together with the additional flavan-3-ols. He made this discovery in 1929 in the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan. Like lots of the flavan-3-ols, gallocatechol is a potent antioxidant that protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals (harmful by-products of oxygen associated reactions which may increase your cancer risk, improve your risk, increase the visible signs of aging and damage your body’s cells).


Tem também vários benefícios potenciais para a saúde, mas é necessária mais investigação para que esses benefícios possam ser verificados. Estes possíveis benefícios para a saúde incluem a prevenção da artrite (um tipo de inflamação que afecta as articulações), a prevenção do cancro (um problema de saúde que contribui para o crescimento rápido e incontrolável dos tecidos móveis), a redução dos níveis sanguíneos de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) (um tipo de colesterol que se acumula nas paredes das artérias, provoca bloqueios e torna-o mais vulnerável a doenças cardíacas), fortalecendo o seu coração e o seu sistema imunitário.

O Gallocatechol pode ser obtido a partir de uma vasta gama de alimentos. O feijão Cococa (156,67 miligramas (mg) por 100 gramas (g)) seria a fonte mais rica do flavan-3-ol. O chá também é uma fonte extremamente comum de containing 7.93mg per 100g, green tea containing 16.71mg per 100g and oolong tea comprising 6.1mg per 100g. Along with this, gallocatechol may also be obtained from a vast array of fruits, nuts and vegetables with black gemstone plums (13.06mg per 100g), broad beans (4.65mg per 100g) and pecan nuts (5.63mg per 100g) all being excellent sources.


Although the evidence on gallocatechol is principally preliminary, the early indications are extremely promising. Does this flavan-3-ol shield your body’s cells from nasty free radicals but it can also prevent cancer, keep your blood healthy and make certain that your heart and immune system stay strong. So ensure that your contains some of the foods listed in this report and begin enjoying all the advantages that gallocatechol offers.