Le mattine dei giorni feriali possono essere frenetiche in casa. I genitori si preparano per il lavoro e spingono i figli riluttanti a lasciare il letto per andare all'università. Il tempo è un bene prezioso, per cui è necessario prendere decisioni che richiedano il minimo sforzo per ottenere il miglior risultato. Per la maggior parte delle famiglie, ciò significa mettere una scatola di , una ciotola e un cartone di latte davanti al bambino per la colazione.

Cibo sano

Concerned about the lack of healthy food at school, many parents also throw a reinforced snack bar to the kid’s lunch box. Nobody wants to send their kid to college with no food in their belly. Getting the day off to a excellent nutritious start assists the child meet the requirements of the school day and supports their growing and very energetic bodies. The cereal box proudly shows healthy messages indicating that the product is fortified with vitamins, rich in fiber and thus, it’s a healthy choice for your child’s breakfast.

Unfortunately, this expedient option might do your child more harm than good. First, let us discuss those vitamins. Nobody argues with the need for vitamins as an important part of a nutritious diet. The best vitamin resources are those we get from and vegetables, where they’re supplied in sufficient quantities together with and minerals all beneficial to our bodies.


Cereals and snack bars fortified with vitamins frequently supply very substantial amounts of these vitamins leading to a harmful cocktail for young kids. Many cereals include harmful quantities of vitamin A, zinc and niacin. Children aren’t the only ones affected by this. Pregnant women and seniors may also experience harmful effects from over consumption. Next, have a look at the amount of sugar in 1 bowl of cereal. The bundle label may indicate that one serving comprises up to 9 grams of sugar.

Notate poi che la porzione sembra piuttosto piccola, quindi versate nella ciotola una porzione più sostanziosa, che assomiglia di più all'immagine sulla parte anteriore della scatola o alla pubblicità che avete visto in TV. Ora il carico di zuccheri è salito a circa 18 g e la dose di vitamine è raddoppiata. Oltre agli zuccheri aggiunti, molti cereali sono fatti con cereali altamente lavorati, che si convertono in zucchero nel corpo quasi istantaneamente. Il piccolo organismo del bambino non ha modo di metabolizzare lo zucchero e inizia il ciclo dell'insulina.

The child’s ability to focus and stay focused on schoolwork is severely diminished. Long-term, the effects of too much sugar in the diet are numerous, including obesity, diabetes, inflammation, and cancer. The combination of a lot of sugar and an overdose of vitamins stresses your child’s immune and metabolic systems. You can make key improvements to your child’s breakfast nutrition and school performance with a few simple changes.


Osservate attentamente le etichette delle scatole di cereali sullo scaffale del supermercato e scegliete cereali a ridotto contenuto di zucchero. Evitare products as they provide refined starch, and they’re recognized by the Consumer Protection Agency as a food . You will see warnings about the package indicating that the item was processed at a facility that also handles wheat. Switch to such as steel-cut or rolled oats and muesli. Whole grains that aren’t highly refined are healthy sources of fiber, protein and vitamin B combined with several essential minerals. Add some sunflower seeds and you’ll add more minerals and protein. For another nutritious option, consider adding plain yogurt with a few chopped berries into the breakfast table.