El cáncer es uno de los diagnósticos más aterradores que alguien puede recibir. Obviamente, y las consecuencias para la salud son una fantástica preocupación y, entre otras cosas, la posibilidad de una y la ruina financiera son terribles. Lamentablemente, las posibilidades de curarse también son deprimentes, ya que, a pesar de un siglo de investigación sanitaria y de los miles de millones de dólares gastados para "encontrar una cura", los esfuerzos de nuestros mejores y más brillantes han sido aparentemente en vano.


Most types of cancer are still considered “incurable” by modern psychiatric . While surgery, radiation and chemotherapy may sometimes create a temporary decrease in tumor size, there’s little, if any, connection between that advancement and long-term survival. Almost always, after a period of “cancer-free” presence (“remission”), which might be shorter or longer, depending on the person’s lifestyle and exposure to cancer-causing components, the cancer may return in the exact same or possibly in another form.

El cáncer también puede ser más competitivo o más resistente a los agentes y técnicas utilizados anteriormente para hacerlo retroceder. Lo que los practicantes de la medicación alopática (orientada a los síntomas) no entienden es que hay un montón de tratamientos naturales y metabólicos contra el cáncer que han existido durante décadas, que han generado los mismos resultados, si no mejores, que el sistema médico actual.

¿Lo sabías?

A pesar de que los expertos han gastado innumerables recursos en la investigación del cáncer, y los médicos altamente capacitados están equipados con un elegante surtido de máquinas brillantes y una batería de costosos medicamentos de quimioterapia, la tasa de éxito en Estados Unidos es de sólo 2,10%. Teniendo en cuenta el coste ruinoso, los terribles problemas de calidad de vida, los efectos secundarios perjudiciales y potencialmente mortales y los resultados insatisfactorios, no parece que merezca la pena seguir utilizando los mismos procedimientos de tratamiento.

Why are the promising results shown by natural healing processes being ignored? Is it that these results are just not profitable? Dr. Max Gerson’s research showed that you should rebuild and reboot your immune system to empower your body’s natural defenses to return to the job of repairing damage and removing disease. You see, cancer isn’t a foreign invader! You don’t get it by touching a doorknob with cancer on it, and then rubbing your eye or scratching your nose.

Células cancerígenas

These happen naturally, and your immune system searches down these cells, destroys them and replaces them with a stem cell. When your immune system breaks down and loses its defensive capabilities, cancer cells grow out of control, bringing about fatal results. Doesn’t it make logical sense , should you turn your immune system back on and get it working again, your own natural defense mechanisms will look after the cancer? Yes, it sure does! Enter the Gerson . In reaction to his own crippling migraine , young Dr. Max Gerson started searching for something-anything-that would give him relief.

He tried everything he learned in medical school and lots of distinct sorts of treatment. He sought guidance from his medical school professors and other physicians, all to no avail. Eventually, Dr. Gerson came across an old medical text, which indicated a salt-free, vegetarian diet could rid him of his frustrations; indeed, it eventually provided him with some relief. With study, Dr. Gerson perfected his migraine diet and started using it to treat patients. Some of the migraine patients, who by chance also had tuberculosis, found that the diet worked to heal that too. Later, Dr. Gerson gets approached by a woman with cancer, convinced to some limitation his diet treatment would help her also, and she persuaded him to take her as a patient.

Nota final

After the girl got cured, Dr. Gerson understood that the diet treatment wasn’t treating a particular disease but rather restoring the immune system, allowing the body’s natural defenses to return it to health. Today, the Gerson Therapy is perhaps the oldest, best-documented and most effective of the alternative therapies in life. Through study, Dr. Gerson came to understand that combination of nutrient deficiency and chemical toxicity gradually degrades the immune system, prohibiting its ability to defend the body against disease. He also reasoned that if toxicity and nutrient deficiency enabled disease, then flood the body with nutrients and ridding it of would fix the immune system by restoring the damaged parts. Over time, Dr. Gerson proved his theory. Providing the body with high levels of available El tratamiento de las enfermedades, las vitaminas, los nutrientes y las enzimas vitales, junto con la desintoxicación del hígado, eliminan las toxinas acumuladas y reparan el sistema inmunitario. Con las defensas naturales del cuerpo de nuevo en pleno funcionamiento, la enfermedad se revierte y se previene.