Ko se odpravljate na pot za izboljšanje splošnega zdravja, je pomembno, da upoštevate vse vidike svojega zdravja: tudi sluh. Na žalost affects many people with as large as 15% of people over age 18 reporting some level of hearing struggle. While the most common cause of hearing loss is simply getting older, with the best number of individuals who struggle being people in their later years, do not discount the impact of your izbire.


Če vedno predvajate glasno glasbo, zlasti prek slušalk, bo to poslabšalo vaš sluh. Na stanje vašega sluha lahko vpliva tudi to, kaj jeste. Veliko ljudi ne gleda na hrano, ki jo imajo na jedilniku, kot na hrano, ki bi lahko vplivala na sluh - vendar vpliva.

  • Losos. Najprej je tu losos. Losos je koristen iz številnih razlogov - preveč, da bi jih naštevali. Brez zadostne količine maščobnih kislin v prehrani lahko tako ali drugače trpite. Večina posameznikov ne dobi dovolj maščobnih kislin omega-3, zato razmislite o dodajanju lososa v sliko, da bi to premagali.
  • Pojej več . Of all of the vegetables you could put in your eating plan it’s spinach. The folic acid found in spinach, in particular, is of basic interest for people who are hoping to control their hearing. Folic acid can help combat free radical damage which can then go on to interrupt the natural hearing procedure. Oxidative damage caused by free radicals can be very severe, yet lots of individuals completely overlook this factor. If you can’t zato niste ljubitelj špinače, razmislite o drugih zelenih rastlinah, bogatih s tem hranilom. Zelena blitva, brokoli in šparglji so odlični viri.
  • Ponudite nekaj bučnih semen. Cink je še eno hranilo, ki ima zelo pomembno vlogo pri ohranjanju sluha. Študije so pokazale, da je 82 odstotkov tistih, ki so dva meseca vsak dan dodajali cink, zmanjšalo simptome tinitusa, ki je lahko zvonjenje ali brnenje. in the ear. Men are at an elevated of becoming deficient in zinc as they shed some every time they have , so they’re advised to concentrate on getting more of the nutrient.
  • Munch On Crisp . The last food you might want to grow your eating plan on a more regular basis is carrots. Carrots are loaded with vitamin A, which is another nutrient crucial to keeping your immune system strong and therefore, for maintaining your hearing in check. Those who have adequate vitamin A or who choose to supplement with vitamin A have a tendency to decrease their hearing loss by nearly 50%, demonstrating just how successful this nutrient is. There you have some of the very best foods to consider adding to your own menu to help maintain your hearing check. Don’t take your hearing granted: if the hearing begins to diminish, it affects your quality of life in quite a substantial way.