The human body consists of various systems and processes that interlock to create a system that works without any glitches. Unhealthy diets and the ecosystem have lead to the buildup of acids and acidic wastes within the body and various health issues. This is the biggest advantage of an alkaline . With the typical western diet and lifestyle comprising of plenty of acid-producing substances like products and meats, and habits such as smoking, alcohol and use of drugs, the body becomes bombarded with acid wastes.


Os ácidos consomem e deterioram os músculos, órgãos e células saudáveis. Enquanto as células gordas protegem os tecidos dos ácidos em excesso, o excesso de ácidos corporais cria células gordas agarradas aos órgãos. Uma vez que estes ácidos em excesso são retirados do corpo, as células gordas não são necessárias e o corpo liberta-as da obrigação e induz a perda de peso. Uma acumulação de ácidos resulta em que as células do corpo não recebem oxigénio suficiente, o que então retarda o funcionamento global dos tecidos. As células podem morrer sem oxigénio adequado, de modo a remover a acumulação de ácido no seu sistema, alterando a sua dieta e bebendo água alcalina.

This is known as allergies and the body expels excessive toxins and acidic wastes through soreness, excessive mucus, swelling and , which are related to allergies. The elimination of excess acids in the body contributes to the disappearance of allergies and related systems. The accumulation of acid wastes in the body is a major cause for degenerative diseases such as diabetes, and kidney disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases, hormonal balances, premature aging and also most cancers.


Como as doenças degenerativas prosperam em ambientes poluídos, a eliminação do ambiente proibe-as de se multiplicarem ou gerarem. A acumulação de resíduos ácidos e a quebra de funções fisiológicas acelera o processo de envelhecimento. Demasiadas toxinas corporais contribuem para a acidose, que liberta radicais livres no sangue, para atacar e matar as paredes e membranas celulares.

All this results in poor vision, age spots, fatigue, bad memory, dysfunctional hormones and other early aging signs. The removal of acids in the body with alkaline foods helps prevent additional cell damage and reverses the breakdown procedure.

Excess acidity slows down the functioning of cells. The center thus works harder to compensate for its sluggishness and this raises blood pressure. Moreover, higher acidity levels contribute to plaque build-up from the arteries. This decreases the blood vessels’ diameter and raises blood pressure. So by eliminating acidity on your system via an alkaline diet, you enhance your cell functioning and lower your blood pressure.

Nota final

Acid build up in the body decreases the body’s natural balancing systems as it contributes into the leeching of the alkaline minerals such as calcium, phosphates and calcium in the body’s bones, muscles and tissues. Your bloodstream thus finds it hard maintaining alkaline levels for optimal body functioning. All this contributes to a drop in body metabolism, sluggishness, fatigue and even . However energy levels are raised by restoring acid levels through proper diet and .