Uma vez um paciente tinha pedido a um médico o que precisava de fazer para cuidar decentemente do seu nariz. O médico respondeu de forma simples e directa ao indivíduo que o que era importante era o que não devia fazer ao seu nariz. Maus hábitos, como apanhar o nariz, farejar, esfregar, assoar o nariz desafiando ou enfiar coisas como lenços de papel e lenços de papel na narina podem causar muitos danos ao nariz.

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Generally, nose will take decent care by itself. Physiologically, once we breathe in air in our lung, nose will warm, clean and humidify it. When we breathe out the air from our lung, it is going to cool and remove the from the atmosphere. Besides using for breathing, nose is also the organ of smell and enables us to speech with an excellent voice. Anatomically, a layer of epidermis covers the external part of the nose.

Appearance of the nose is maintained by a complex network of cartilage and bone. Its shape and function may be changed if its complicated network of cartilage and bone has been damaged by trauma or . Internal region of the nose comprises respiratory mucous membranes, paranasal sinuses, nasolacrimal duct and nasopharynx. Besides these sinuses, inner part of the nose also comprises gland which secreting mucous.

É bom saber que

A lábia em forma de lábia empurra continuamente o muco segregado para trás na parte de trás do nosso nariz e garganta, para que, o muco não flua das nossas narinas. Septum é a divisão na porção central do nariz interior. É uma cartilagem, que pode ser facilmente fracturada. Algumas pessoas hoje em dia, o septo desviou-se após o nascimento e algum desvio pode ser devido à lesão não percebida durante a infância. Isto resultará num congestionamento de um dos lados do nariz. No entanto, este desvio pode ser corrigido por uma operação.

Contents of mucus are only a combination of water, ions, glycoproteins and immunoglobulins. Mucus is said as a member of the rectal defense system and it keeps the nose clean and free of , viruses and parasites. At the roof of the nose, there’s olfactory mucosa, which is responsible for our sense of smell. Located at the side along with the nasal cavity are the air sacs paranasal sinuses.


There are total four pairs of paranasal sinuses and given name as maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses. This is where the mucous was generated and being emptied out through the openings called ostium. Infection that causes obstruction to this mucous outflow may result in sinusitis. Conditions that directly and indirectly impact the nose are common colds, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and nasal polyps. Common cold is a very common disease that everyone can endure at one time or another. It’s caused by an infection of self-limiting viral. The indicators are generation of excessive clear mucous (runny nose), sneezing and nasal congestion.

Seriousness of the disease is based on how powerful our immune system and how vigorous the viruses which attack us. If we have a strong immune system, this disorder won’t exacerbate to sinusitis, asthma and Otitis Media with Effusion (OME). People with weak immune system will endure a good deal more. This is because it not only causes runny nose but also causes inflammation in the nasal passages and sore throat.

Se esta doença não for tratada dentro de alguns dias para quem não tem um sistema imunitário forte, pode exacerbar a sinusite, asma e otite média com efusão (OME). Esta doença pode propagar-se rapidamente através do contacto corpo a corpo, particularmente de mão em mão, tosse de saliva e gotículas de muco. Para recuperar desta doença, o indivíduo infectado só precisa de se manter quente, descansar e ter uma boa quantidade de água quente.

Sem cura?

According to all the resources, there’s absolutely no cure for common cold. However, doctor usually prescribes antibiotic, anti-fever medication and anti-cough syrup into the patience. Most of the medical doctor will also incorporate a few supplements like , zinc and Echinacea. Prescribed antibiotic by the physician isn’t for treating the common cold virus. This is because antibiotic isn’t able to kill virus. However, it may kill que se aproveitam durante a doença de vírus frios.

rinite alérgica

Também é referido como nariz sensível. Os sintomas da doença são tosse constante, congestion and runny nose. The symptoms arise only when a person has been exposed to specific allergens like house dust-mite, pollen, fungi, cigarette smoke, animal dandruff, furs and other irritating volatile compounds. Sufferer can take anti-histamine pills to alleviate this disease.

Histamine is the main compound which causes sensitive feeling from the nasal cavity. Nasal sprays comprises corticosteroid hormone, which helps decrease our body immune system sensitivity to the foreign antigen, also can help relieve the sensitive feeling from the nasal cavity. Corticosteroid is one of hormone that’s been secreted from our adrenalin gland. Besides these, immunotherapy is also one of the means which could be used to treat this disorder. Sinusitis is caused by the infection of the bacteria and parasites into the paranasal sinuses.

This occurs when bacteria and fungi entering these cavities. Occurrence of sinusitis is because of inflammation, nasal polyps and other nasal anatomical abnormalities which block the mucosal outflow. Patient with sinusitis generally feels pressure or in the forehead or face. It’s fairly common that yellow and greenish mucous will be discharged out of your nostril particularly in the morning. One with chamomile, sense of smell will reduce or not that sharp when compared with healthy nose. Sinusitis is because of the bacteria and fungi infection, so, antibiotics might help.

Nota final

Contudo, os doentes prolongados e frequentes podem querer passar por uma cirurgia para limpar os seios nasais. Os pólipos nasais são um inchaço semelhante ao das uvas encontrado na cavidade nasal. Têm uma tendência para bloquear o ar a fluir através da passagem nasal ao respirar. Normalmente, vai levar à criação de excesso de muco. Por vezes, vai bloquear o óstio dos seios paranasais e fazer com que a mucosa nasal não possa fluir prontamente para fora dos seios paranasais. Isto pode dar origem à camomila. Os sprays nasais podem controlar os pólipos nasais. Alguns sprays nasais podem fazer com que os pólipos nasais encolham temporariamente. No entanto, o uso prolongado fará com que os pólipos nasais se ressaltem e se tornem maiores. Mas se os pólipos nasais forem grandes e múltiplos e causarem obstrução na cavidade nasal, a cirurgia deve removê-los. Infelizmente, eles são uma doença recorrente.