Allergies are caused by your immune system attacking something which isn’t actually damaging to your body, but for some reason your body believes it is. Basically, your immune system is set up to protect you from harmful things like germs, en , but in the case of allergies that your body mistakes something benign like pollen as a threat to your body.


These may be environmental allergies, where individuals have an immune reaction to particles in the atmosphere like tree pollen, pet dander, dust, grasses, or mould. Another sort of allergy can be allergies to certain foods, such as milk, wheat, or peanuts. Having allergies frequently entails a genetic component, as having a close relative with allergies makes it far more probable you will suffer with allergies also. There are no known causes of hay fever. However, there are variables which are correlated with allergies, such as tiredness, poor digestion, insomnia, stress, and reduced resistance.

Allergische reacties zijn het gevolg van het vrijkomen van histamines en de symptomen lijken sterk op die van een verkoudheid of griep, met waterige en jeukende ogen, een loopneus, hoesten, keelpijn, hoesten en vermoeidheid. Ze kunnen ook de huid betreffen en jeuk en uitslag veroorzaken. Deze symptomen zijn het resultaat van het streven van het lichaam om het allergeen dat het als een bedreiging ziet, weg te spoelen.


Since allergies are caused by the release of histamines, drugs for allergies are aimed at blocking the action of histames. Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra and Benadryl are the most common over the counter drugs for allergies, and the drugs they contain are blockers which help decrease the immune response brought on by allergens. Additionally, there are prescription medications like Flonase which contain inhaled steroids used to decrease .

Deze medicijnen geven de meest directe verlichting van allergieën, maar veel mensen willen het gebruik van medicijnen op lange termijn vermijden om redenen als bijwerkingen en kosten, en er zijn een paar dingen die u kunt doen om uw allergieën op een natuurlijke manier te elimineren. Ongetwijfeld de eenvoudigste en toch een van de beste dingen die u kunt doen om uw allergiesymptomen te verminderen, is veel water drinken.


Water helps keep the lining of your respiratory system fluid and reduces your sensitivity to airborne allergens. Additionally, being dehydrated causes your body to release more histamines than normal, so staying hydrated by drinking water can help prevent this. If you suffer from allergies, then you’ve probably noticed that if you’re feeling burnt out, your allergies are worse. So, getting sufficient sleep could be of great benefit in reducing allergies. When your body is exhausted, there’s a trend for your immune system to receive hypersensitive to your environment as a means to defend a body that it sees as already feeble.

Met voldoende slaap is je lichaam gezonder en meer klaar om de dagelijkse druk te aanvaarden, zodat je immuunsysteem ontspant omdat het minder noodzaak ziet om je te beschermen. Jezelf en je eigen energie te veel uitputten door overmatige stress kan hetzelfde effect hebben, waarbij je lichaam uitgeput raakt en je immuunsysteem over de schreef gaat om je te beschermen.


There are herbal medications which act in a similar way to allergy drugs by stabilizing the immune cells that produce histamine. Quercitin and stinging nettle are two commonly used herbs. Additionally, because tiredness and a weak immune system are connected with allergies, a natural adaptogen or immune strengthener can help improve your allergy symptoms in addition to your energy levels. , rhodiola, and ashwaghanda are several herbal medications that reduce tension and help strengthen the body’s immune system and the organs involved in energy generation.

De -body link in allergies is an interesting one to think about, and one not usually discussed when dealing with allergies. If you envision your immune system as the defense mechanisms of your body, and the immune cells as the soldiers used to shield you, it follows that an allergic reaction is when those soldiers become too defensive and start attacking things that don’t actually pose a threat to you. If you suffer from allergies, it’s sometimes useful to look at if you might be feeling overly protective of yourself, and thus becoming overly defensive.

Denk aan

Protecting yourself is a natural tendency, however this natural protective can occasionally get out of control and rather than give a benefit for you, really wind up being harmful and prevent you from living your life more completely. If you notice you’re spending plenty of energy trying to stop bad things from happening, becoming anxious over not having the ability to control certain aspects of life, this might be a component that leaves you more vulnerable to allergies.

Het omgaan met deze angsten kan je helpen om te leren vertrouwen dat je in staat bent om voor jezelf te zorgen als er tegenslagen of stakingen plaatsvinden, waardoor je afweermechanismen - dus je immuunsysteem - veiliger en minder overgevoelig worden.

Attempt to

Life will not deal out anything that you aren’t able to take care of. Allergies, while generally not a serious health problem, can still make life considerably more challenging. For folks that suffer from chronic allergies it could be necessary to take drugs to reduce your symptoms, but in the future working towards treating your allergies in a natural manner will help lower your need to take and improve the health of your immune system and your body.