If you’re pregnant, then you probably have received information about banks. This is a chance for you to bank your child’s umbilical cord blood. When cord blood is banked, it’s saved so that at a later period, it may be used when required. There are many important reasons why anyone should think about .

Cord blood

It contains very important cells which may help grow a for somebody who has fallen sick. Not only can this cord blood be used for your child, but for many others having the identical sort of tissue and blood. Although cord blood banking is expensive when performed independently, it may be saving and this is frequently the reason to consider it.

Cord blood can be used to treat ailments and conditions like leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, anemia, sickle cell disease, inherited red cell abnormality, lymphoma, plasma cell disease, neuroblastoma and myeloma. Today, there are more than 75 distinct diseases, immune deficiencies and other conditions that are treated with cable blood. With the development of stem cell research, there’s very likely to be more applications for cord blood later on.

Take into account

If there’s a family medical history or your child has a predisposition to one or more one of these diseases, you should seriously consider cord blood banking. Parents of children of ethnic or racial minorities and children conceived through in vitro fetilization are encouraged to bank cord blood since it’s more challenging to find match in these cases. Only 50 percent of people who need a bone marrow or stem cell transplant will likely discover the right donor to supply it.

There are two ways to store your child’s cord blood. If you choose public cord blood banking, your child’s blood is removed from the umbilical cord, stored cryogenically and may be used by anyone that’s in need of it. However, cord blood that’s kept in a personal bank can only be used for your child or other household members when required. The cord blood banking process can be expensive for a personal storage facility, starting at $2000 but the security that it offers far outweighs the costs.


Additionally, many families find that this is the perfect way to protect the child in addition to other relatives from potentially deadly diseases or conditions. The ongoing stem cell research for treatment of ailments is promising. Cord blood stem cells offer great potential for treating more auto-immune and degenerative diseases. Banking cord blood can provide medical insurance for your child or other family members today and in the future. There are still insufficient cord blood donations occurring that will provide for the essential help required to heal conditions like leukemia and . Yet, with more individuals considering cord blood banks, whether publicly or privately, it’s very likely that more miracles can occur. Through better education, more parents will see the real advantages of cord blood banking.