Verjetno ste najbolj seznanjeni z infections which are localized to one area of the body, such as vaginal . You might even be familiar with infections of other areas of the body, like the throat and mouth, the penis, or skin. These localized infections are the most frequent way that Candida gifts. However, it’s possible for Candida to propagate to the rest of the body and become a systemic yeast infection. This happens when natural balances of the body are upset so that yeast can overgrow and invade.

Imunski sistem

Pojavi se lahko zaradi šibkega imunskega sistema, nekaterih zdravil ali bolezni. Dejavniki življenjskega sloga, kot so prehrana, spanje in uživanje toksinov, kot sta alkohol in tobak, lahko prav tako vplivajo na imunski sistem in s tem na koncentracijo kandide v telesu. Pomembno je razumeti, da kvasovke pri zdravih ljudeh živijo v telesu v majhnih količinah, običajno iz prebavil in spolovil. Prebiva v naravnem ravnovesju z drugimi mikroorganizmi, kot so bakterije, ki so zdrave.

When this balance gets upset, which can occur for the reasons described above, Candida can transform to a more invasive form and spread to a lot of areas. Whereas a localized yeast infection will cause symptoms only in the area it affects, such as the skin or , a systemic yeast infection can cause bothersome symptoms throughout the body. For instance, you may feel exhausted or have low . You might have vague in . bolečine.

Ali ste vedeli?

There may also be emotional symptoms, such as mood swings and irritability. You might not be able to focus and you used to. Systemic yeast may also manifest on the skin. You might have or migraines you did not have before. You can also have chronic Candida infections of the skin and nails. The gastrointestinal tract, which runs all of the way from the mouth to the anus, may also be affected. You might have Candida infections of your mouth, called thrush. Additionally, there can be digestive irregularities such as digestive pain, constipation, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Lahko se pojavijo tudi nove alergije in občutljivost na nekatera živila. Ni treba posebej poudarjati, da lahko sistemska okužba s kvasovkami prizadene tudi spolovila in povzroči okužbe nožnice ali penisa. Pri sistemski bolezni so lahko simptomi hudi in lahko vključujejo bolečine med spolno aktivnostjo, okužbe sečil, okužbe mehurja, pri ženskah pa tudi menstrualne bolečine. Če imate več zgornjih simptomov, ki jih ne pojasnjuje nobena druga bolezen, je verjetno, da imate sistemsko okužbo s kvasovkami.

Ne pozabite na

Prepričajte se, da ste obiskali zdravnika, saj so lahko ti simptomi tudi posledica številnih drugih zdravstvenih težav. Pomembno je upoštevati, da se sistemske kvasovke pojavljajo skoraj izključno pri ljudeh z oslabljenim imunskim sistemom. Imunski sistem je namreč običajno zelo dober pri zadrževanju kandide v krvnem obtoku in številnih delih telesa. Če imate tovrstno okužbo, je pomembno, da preverite, ali so vzroki za šibek imunski sistem pri vas prisotni. Če imate sistemsko kandido, boste morda potrebovali to eliminate the infection. There are certain measures that you take take, however, to decrease the concentration of yeast in your body and improve your general health so that your immune system is more able to fight against disease. Taking time to sleep better, reduce stress, exercise and reduce toxins will have a positive impact. Consider following the guidelines of an anti Candida diet, which may help”starve” yeast from your own body.