You’re probably most familiar with yeast infections which are localized to one area of the body, such as vaginal candidiasis. You might even be familiar with infections of other areas of the body, like the throat and mouth, the penis, or skin. These localized infections are the most frequent way that Candida gifts. However, it’s possible for Candida to propagate to the of the body and become a systemic yeast infection. This happens when natural balances of the body are upset so that yeast can overgrow and invade.

Imunitný systém

It may occur due to a weak immune system, certain medicines, or due to medical illness. Lifestyle factors, such as diet, and intake of like alcohol and tobacco may also affect the immune system, and for that reason the concentration of Candida in the body. It’s important to comprehend that yeast lives in the body in tiny amounts in healthy people, usually from the digestive and genital tracts. It resides in a natural balance with other microorganisms, such as bacteria that are healthy.

When this balance gets upset, which can occur for the reasons described above, Candida can transform to a more invasive form and spread to a lot of areas. Whereas a localized yeast infection will cause symptoms only in the area it affects, such as the skin or vagina, a systemic yeast infection can cause bothersome symptoms throughout the body. For instance, you may feel exhausted or have low energy. You might have vague muscle and joint alebo bolesti.

Vedeli ste to?

There may also be emotional symptoms, such as mood swings and irritability. You might not be able to focus and you used to. Systemic yeast may also manifest on the skin. You might have allergies or migraines you did not have before. You can also have chronic Candida infections of the skin and nails. The gastrointestinal tract, which runs all of the way from the mouth to the anus, may also be affected. You might have Candida infections of your mouth, called thrush. Additionally, there can be digestive irregularities such as digestive pain, constipation, diarrhea, or .

Môžete si tiež vytvoriť nové alergie a citlivosť na určité potraviny. Netreba dodávať, že systémová kvasinková infekcia môže postihnúť aj močovo-pohlavný trakt a spôsobiť infekcie pošvy alebo penisu. Pri systémovom ochorení môžu byť príznaky závažné a môžu zahŕňať bolesť počas sexuálnej aktivity, infekcie močových ciest, infekcie močového mechúra a u žien aj menštruačné bolesti. Ak máte viacero uvedených príznakov, ktoré nie sú vysvetlené iným zdravotným stavom, je pravdepodobné, že máte systémovú kvasinkovú infekciu.

Pamätajte si

Make certain that you see your doctor, because these symptoms may also be due to a number of other medical issues. One important point to bear in mind is that systemic yeast almost exclusively occurs in people with compromised immune systems. This is because the immune system is normally very good at keeping Candida from the bloodstream and many regions of the body. Should you have this sort of infection, it is important to examine if you have any underlying causes of a weak immune system. Should you have systemic Candida, you might need an antifungal medication to eliminate the infection. There are certain measures that you take take, however, to decrease the concentration of yeast in your body and improve your general health so that your immune system is more able to fight against disease. Taking time to sleep better, reduce stress, a znížiť množstvo toxínov bude mať pozitívny vplyv. Zvážte dodržiavanie pokynov diéty proti candide, ktorá môže pomôcť "vyhladovať" kvasinky z vášho tela.