Colloidal silver has exploded online as a nutritional supplement, heralded as a cure all, and cursed by some officials that appear to be motivated by the big pharmaceuticals. Colloidal silver has been used as a natural antibiotic before the discovery of penicillin. The new antibacterial agent was the drug of favor globally. Colloidal silver was pushed to the back of health consciousness and found little use after 1929. But wait, the medical world didn’t stop using silver.


Ohromujúce liečivé vlastnosti striebra pretrvávajú aj v súčasnosti z planéty centier a nespočetné množstvo detí malo hneď po narodení v očiach strieborný fľak. Ak sa toto prírodné antibiotikum používalo tak široko, prečo ho lekári prestali používať? Vyvinuli si baktérie odolnosť voči koloidnému striebru? Prestalo fungovať? Zdá sa, že riešením je farmaceutický výber. Niekoľko múdrych lekárov pokračovalo v používaní koloidného striebra a niekoľko prezieravých pacientov si spomenuli na tento strieborný odvar a ľahko pokračovali v jeho používaní, keď sa z neho stal voľne predajný "výživový doplnok".

Imunitný systém

It fights all intrusive germs, bacteria and disease to keep the body from falling prey to disease. Like any material that is taken in surplus the body treats overdoses of a chemical as a toxin and rejects the immune system overload. Wheat consumed in excess is poisonous to the body. We recognize that surplus grain in horses will make them founder and sometimes die. The effect will be similar in humans. Colloidal silver when ingested in the quantities recommended as a nutritional supplement has clinically proven to be an protecting against viral infections and bacterial diseases.

Some producers of colloidal silver used to create a solution of silver chloride. This isn’t desirable because it will cause the silver to collect under the skin providing a light blue color to the skin. There are no known side effects in taking colloidal silver that’s properly made and consumed. There are no recorded deaths from accepting this immune system support boosting supplement, but tons of government pressure attempting to stop the sale for no other apparent reason than to appease the heavy lobbying pharmaceutical companies which seem to now wish to prescribe this remedy.


Koloidné striebro sa predávalo ako doplnok stravy pre imunitný systém v každom významnom zdravotnom v krajine už viac ako 25 rokov. Na stránke of 1100 ppm was the “standard” accessible 4 formerly bottles. It could be made up to 5 ppm at the house with a 9 volt battery, two silver contributes to a glass of distilled water. Testimonials have filled hundreds of web pages of how colloidal silver has been beneficial. These unsolicited accounts testify of a natural antibiotic which has powers beyond simply having an immune system support “nutritional supplement”.