Candidiasis, pronounced kahn-di-diya-sis, is more commonly called thrush or yeast infection. It’s caused by a sort of fungi called Candida albicans. Candida albicans is a kind of yeast. And yeast is a sort of fungi (such as molds and mushrooms ). If you are familiar with fungi then you’d know that these flourish in moist and slightly vulnerable areas. The same thing applies when it comes to your own body.


Därför är det vanligt att candidiasis förekommer i delar av kroppen som t.ex. , the genitals and other areas where skin folds and retains a whole lot of moisture. But candida is most frequently found in your digestive tract. The reason people do not get sick due to the mere existence of candida is because good bacteria (called probiotics) maintain the skin in check, preventing the fungi from growing to an extent that it will do damage to your body. However, when there is an overgrowth of fungi, your body will respond negatively in a number of ways.

Eftersom det till största delen finns i din kropp är det här som är först med att reagera på candidaöverväxt. Vanliga symtom är oregelbunden tarmtömning ( eller diarré), and cramps. This is can be especially tricky because you could confuse the symptom for a simple allergic reaction. To get a better idea of knowing whether this is candida-triggered or not, observe if your sammanfaller med andra nämnda symtom. Utslag och klåda på lokaliserade delar av kroppen, även i munnen.


Hudproblem som innebär att huden flagnar och/eller "gråter" (kutan candidiasis), vilket också indikeras av små pustler på den drabbade platsen. Krämiga, vita fläckar i munnen kallas trast och förekommer ofta på tungan, läpparna och gommen. Fuktig, men skorvig hud i mungiporna kan också vara vanligt. Klåda och brännande känsla i vaginalområdet (kallas vanligen jästsvampsinfektion). Studier visar att 75% av alla flickor upplever denna typ av symptom minst en gång. En tjock vit eller gråaktig flytning förekommer ofta runt anus.

Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse is also possible. Frequent bouts of colds. Fungi don’t have an immediate cause on colds, but they do have an influence on the immune system. When the immune system is weakened, you’re more prone to catch colds or the flu. The above mentioned symptoms are of the localized selection and generally, when addressed early, treatment can be easy and fast. och irritabilitet eller oförmåga att fokusera eller lätt yrsel. Detta är bara mer än bara resultatet av ett pinsamt tillstånd på grund av andra symtom.

Avslutande anmärkning

Koncentrationssvårigheter kan vara ett tecken på att is already affected. regardless of the fact you didn’t apply too much activity is another indication that the disease has spread across the body and is currently systemic (deep candidiasis). More serious steps will need to be taken to cover the status. Despite these alarming indicators you will find great news. The first is that the majority of individuals infected with candidiasis can be treated with no actual permanent damage done to their own bodies. The next good news is that people, who get well from candidiasis, for as long as they maintain healthy, will be unlikely to experience the disease the next time. Even those diagnosed with deep candidiasis, for as long as treatment is administered immediately to stop the disease from reaching important organs, have great chances for full recovery.