Complete house directions for the should include how to avoid the spread of this virus to other relatives, the way to shorten the duration of symptoms, foods and other products that alleviate symptoms and how to strengthen the immune system, to ensure you and your family will have fewer colds following year.

Vanlig förkylning

The phases of the common cold change. Some people experience no symptoms at all, though some experience a complete assortment of frustrating ailments; from fever to body to coughing, sneezing and runny nose. Unlike flu, which generally starts with a relatively significant fever, most adults don’t experience any fever in any respect. In children and infants, temperature can climb to 102 degrees farenheit.

Ett stort antal olika virus kan orsaka förkylning, men forskarna vet mest om rhinovirus. Det är ett mycket vanligt virus och kan lätt odlas i laboratoriemiljö. Forskning tyder på att förkylningsfasen i allmänhet inträffar ett par dagar efter exponering för rhinovirus. De mest aktiva virusen finns i nässekret under de första fyra dagarna av infektionen.

Vad ska jag göra?

Tthe first step in house instructions for the common cold is to attempt and keep those who have started to show symptoms from those that aren’t infected, at least for the first day or two. Parents that are caring for a sick child should wash their hands well and frequently, especially before touching their particular face or another member.

Disinfectants may help to eliminate the virus from surfaces, but it’s thought that the rubbing action is what removes viruses. Anti-bacterial hand soaps and soaps don’t have any effect on viruses, but the hand washing activity pushes off them. The rhinovirus has been demonstrated to be active for as long as three hours on surfaces and skin. The next step in our house instructions for the common cold covers shortening the duration of symptoms.


Most research about common cold treatment is geared towards shortening symptoms, since curing the disease isn’t possible. First, let us look at what doesn’t work. Whatever stages of the frequent cold a individual is now suffering froman antibiotic isn’t effective. Antibiotics neither kill germs, nor shorten the duration of . They are only effective against bacterial infections. If symptoms last for at least two weeks, a bacterial infection may be present and a trip to the doctor is suitable.

There’s absolutely not any sign that inhaling steam is an effective . Steam may temporarily alleviate congestion, but won’t shorten duration of symptoms. While cold weather doesn’t cause the common cold (as mentioned, it’s caused by a virus), staying comfortably warm and dry will make you feel better. Getting out in moist, cold or wet conditions frequently cause symptoms to worsen temporarily. When phases of the common cold experienced include fever, chills are often present.

Visste du det?

Det finns absolut ingen anledning att inte klä på sig när man är förkyld, men det finns inga tecken på att "svettas ut det" är en effektiv behandling. Svettning kan faktiskt öka uttorkningen och experter är överens om att det är särskilt viktigt att hålla sig välhydrerad under en förkylning. När man frågar om heminstruktioner för vanlig förkylning rekommenderar många läkare att man vilar mycket, dricker mycket vätska och tar acetaminophen mot huvudvärk, värk i kroppen och feber.

Föräldrar bör inte ge barn aspirin eller produkter som innehåller aspirin, eftersom det har förknippats med Reyes syndrom, en sällsynt men livshotande sjukdom som ibland följer på vattkoppor, influensa och andra virusinfektioner. Vissa läkare kan rekommendera zinktabletter för att förkorta symtomens varaktighet, om de används i de första faserna av förkylningen. Det finns en liten kontrovers kring användningen av zink nasala geler eller sprayer.

Vissa studier har visat att de förkortar symtomens varaktighet, medan andra drar slutsatsen att de inte är effektiva och inte bör användas, eftersom de kan orsaka oåterkallelig förlust av luktsinnet. För att ha någon positiv inverkan måste de användas i de tidiga faserna av förkylningen, inom de första fjorton dagarna.

Taking supplements of vitamin C, E, A or zinc might be helpful home directions. For the common cold therapy, some specialists recommend them. It’s always important to follow the manufacturers recommended dose. High levels of vitamin C can lead to diarrhea; zinc can lead to anemia; A can lead to irritability and painful joints; E can have an anticoagulant effect. The better health supplements take all this into account when creating products for use during viral infections or as a preventative of viral infections. S

ometimes over-the-counter multi-symptom cold flashes are contained in house directions for the common cold. If you decide to use these, it’s important to read the instructions and ingredients. Some products contain aspirin. Others contain alcohol. Some cause drowsiness and shouldn’t be used when driving or operating dangerous equipment. Studies have shown that many are unsuccessful on common cold symptoms and many shouldn’t be used by kids. Home directions for the common cold wouldn’t be complete without listing a few home remedies.


These may make you feel better, relieve symptoms temporarily and are safe to be used by most people, as they are typical food products. Chicken includes selenium, a trace element necessary for proper immune system function. If you can create your own, then onions, garlic, black pepper or . These are useful to the immune system and taste great. If you have to buy canned soup, pick the low-salt versions. Warm mullein or other herbal teas are soothing to the throat. Green tea can boost energy and boost the immune system. Studies have shown that during early phases of the common cold, vitamin C in the blood flow depletes quickly, so fruit juices can help the body get the vitamin C it should fight the infection.