Je ervan bewust worden dat je een immuundeficiëntie hebt, kan een verwoestende diagnose zijn. Als je zoveel mogelijk over de aandoening weet, vergroot je de kans dat je er succesvol mee om kunt gaan en verminder je de impact ervan op je leven. De onderstaande adviezen kunnen je helpen ermee om te gaan. Wat is de definitie van de aandoening?

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This is the body’s inability to naturally defend itself against infection and disease. It poses as regular illness and complications to relatively minor health issues. Additionally it is evidenced by unusual length and severity of illness. What causes it? It may be caused by genetics–being born with a mobile structure that doesn’t enable the body to fight off infection and disease to some reasonable extent. In addition, it can be the side effect of drugs, chemotherapy, and the .

Kan het worden teruggedraaid?

If temporary causes like chemotherapy and drugs are stopped, the immune system is usually able to fix and function more normally. Reversal can be supported by appropriate diet, vitamin supplements, good rest, and minimizing exposure to individuals who are more likely to be carriers of viruses and –big crowds of people and smaller children.

What kinds of drugs can interfere with immune function? Steroids are powerful drugs which reduce inflammation but they suppress the immune system’s ability to work properly. Antibiotics kill bad germs but they’re notorious for killing off the bacteria that are good that are generally the first and best line of natural defense against disease.

How big a part does appropriate diet really play? Proper diet and nutrition play a massive role in boosting the body’s natural ability to defend itself. Eating a properly of vitamin rich foods like , mager vlees, vis en gevogelte versterken de natuurlijke afweer van het lichaam.


It is frequently at the origin of a poorly functioning immune system. How does sleep affect the immune system? Getting the necessary amount of sleep is among the best ways to strengthen your immunity. Adults need anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to work well on a physical and psychological level.

Door elke nacht de juiste slaapduur aan te houden, kan het lichaam eiwitmoleculen maken die beschadigde of verminderde cellen herstellen. Dit herstel helpt de cellen krachtig te houden zodat ze beter in staat zijn om bacteriën en virussen te bestrijden waarvoor het lichaam kwetsbaar is.


Can filtering the atmosphere help? The perfect type of filtration may be a crucial part of helping you stay healthy. Hospitals use high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filtration because by definition it’s ready to eliminate airborne particles as small as.3 microns with 99.97percent accuracy. And even though many viruses and bacteria are smaller which.3 microns, most attached to larger particles like dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and dander. As the HEPA gets rid of these particles it’s also eliminating the germs which are attached also.