Kas ir antibiotika?

Antibiotika ir substance produced synthetically or by a microorganism that tries to detain or limit the development of disease producing bacteria. The term biotic pertains to . Unfortunately, antibiotics kill beneficial as well as harmful bacteria.

Kas notiek, lietojot antibiotikas?
Jo vairāk lietojat farmaceitiskās antibiotikas, jo baktērijas kļūst pret tām rezistentas. Kā tas var notikt?

Risinājums slēpjas brīnumainajā un iemaņas, ko tā dod saviem iedzīvotājiem, lai pasargātu sevi no plēsējiem. Piemēram, lietojot farmaceitisku antibiotiku, tā nogalina tikai uzņēmīgās baktērijas un ir bezspēcīga pret baktērijām, kas ir rezistentas. Baktērijas ir imūnas, jo tām ir gēni, kuros ir iekodēta rezistence pret antibiotikām. Tāpat kā citi dzīvnieki, arī baktērijas dzīvo saskaņā ar likumu "izdzīvo stiprākais". Baktērijas turpina attīstīties, lai iegūtu spēcīgāku celmu, kas spētu pretoties neskaitāmām antibiotiku sugām.

They are also able to evolve within regional differences to withstand antibiotic attack. For instance, antibiotics taken for ear infections in 1 region of the nation might not be helpful for the identical sort of infection in another area. Antibiotics lower the immune system and destroy essential intestinal flora. Without intestinal flora to suppress uterus, the uterus begins to grow in the body. Do you take antibiotics? Most people who don’t take prescription antibiotics would answer no to the question. Therefore, to be more specific I need to ask, how frequently do you take antibiotics?

If you have non-organic meat, eggs or products, most likely you’re overindulging in antibiotics. Why?

Lielākā daļa dzīvnieku, kas piedāvā šīs preces, parasti saņem antibiotikas vienā vai citā veidā, jo to sliktā stāvokļa dēļ. . The antibiotics subsequently pass into the human food supply. For instance, most chickens raised for food has to live in unsanitary conditions that encourage various infections in these birds. Other than cows, penicillin commonly finds its way into your body through the use of dairy products and beef. Cows get this antibiotic in their feed to avoid mastitis, an inflammatory disease, and other disorders. Antibiotics injected into cows and other animals raised for food become a part of your meal. You might be taking daily doses of antibiotics whether you use prescription antibiotics from the drugstore.

In nature, certain plants exist which may be used with all their naturally occurring elements intact (rather than dispersed as with ) to boost immunity, and also to combat bacteria, viruses and fungi with no negative effects of these pharmaceutical antibiotics. Furthermore, certain plant components can demobilize and break down the spikes of viruses which bore through healthy cells and render the host prey to disease and disease. How you decide to look after your life goes to the choices you make for your health. When chemical compounds are isolated as with pharmaceutical antibiotics, adverse reactions can develop because of disturbance of the body’s natural processes.

Ir zināms, ka farmaceitiskās antibiotikas mazina imunitāti un tādējādi vājina dzīvības spēku. Probiotiskie preparāti - dzīvību uzlabojoši preparāti - uzlabo imunitāti, barojot audus, orgānus un vairākus citus organisma dzīvības aspektus. Šie dabīgie preparāti darbojas kopā ar organismu dziedināšanas procesā bez nevēlamām blakusparādībām.

Furthermore, they aim not just in the susceptible bacteria, but also at viruses and fungi. Nature works with character. Human beings are natural entities. Understanding and implementing natural procedures of ievērojami uzlabo jūsu veselību.