Molte ricerche sono state effettuate sui funghi Reishi e sui vantaggi che ha sul cancro . This was done through invitro and human research experiments. Beside ginseng, Reishi mushrooms is ranked on top among Chinese traditional medicinal herbs. In China it is called LingChi or Lingzhi while in Japan it’s recognized as Reishi.

In the west however, it’s widely known Ganoderma Lucidum. It’s been used for over 2,000 years by the Chinese as part of the medicinal treatments. In Asia it is commonly and widely utilized in treatment for cancer in addition to immune stimulating prescriptions. Many sono state condotte ricerche sui funghi Reishi e sui loro vantaggi, è considerato uno dei più rispettati fitoterapici dell'Asia.

Research performed in Japan, Europe and parts of America indicates that one common element of all of the research is that Reishi mushrooms has the capability to influence the in a most amazing and positive manner. Because of this, it gains a significant number of illnesses including a variety of forms of cancer. Other then improving the immune system, researchers also discovered that it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.


Chi può trarre beneficio dal Reishi? Persone con diabete, ipertensione/, asma, , liver, brain, gut problems, cancer, gastrointestinal, gout, , fibroid, heart and a lot more. It’s even beneficial for individuals with no illnesses since it strengthens the bodys immune system. The simple reason it is so beneficial is because of its amazing and favorable natural way that it impacts the immune system. For many generations Reishi mushrooms has been used in Japan and China as per l'ipertensione, e disturbi epatici. I funghi Reishi non hanno effetti collaterali e per questo possono essere assunti con i farmaci dei medici. È sicuro anche per i bambini e le donne in gravidanza. Si può trovare soprattutto sotto forma di capsule o pillole, ma assicuratevi di controllare che si tratti di Reishi di qualità superiore per riceverne tutti i benefici.