Cancer is a cancerous scourge. But, it’s the research to discover a cure that proceeds in fleecing the American public out of billions of dollars per year. For no apparent reason apart from greed by the pharmaceutical industry, our elected officials and insurance companies that the American people is still deceived by the press, a lot of the medical community and the FDA into believing that the only way to think of a cancer treatment is to contribute more money into it is research.

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It’s this sort of merry-go-round from the media that’s praying on the publics gullibility with those obtrusive ads we see practically every couple of minutes on TV begging for more money. It’s your hard earned dollars that always keeps this false pretense that cancer study to succeed only depends on gaining additional money. This sort of ploy to dup the general public into believing that only more money funneled in cancer research will result in a cure, when actually they know everything along these billions of dollars contributed only keeps the advertisers seeking more funds for research.

The ever elusive cure continues to elude those investigators just so the money keeps flowing in. Then again maybe there is really a magic pill on the market? But, it just maybe concealed behind a veil of secrecy just so the money train keeps right on rolling along. If the medical community, the press, the insurance industry as well as the pharmaceutical industry were really serious about cures for these dreaded diseases they need to concentrate on educating the general public on all the types of authentic medical cures which are currently available, inexpensive, and right under our noses.

Chiropractic medicine

We must bear in mind that it was not that long ago that Chiropractic medicine was looked upon by the established medical community as valid as snake oil. Today, chiropractic medicine is very much accepted as a kind of medical treatment and even a contributor to remedies in spinal injures. This kind, Chiropractic practice is often a better replacement than operation, less expensive and not as intrusive. When it comes to causes of many types of cancer most everyone now understands that is very often connected to the onset of cancer. But, there are other more subtle instigators that place one at a terrific in developing any kind of cancer.

Three significant factors which are a direct connection to cause cancer. Many do not even realize that great oral hygiene notably infected root canals are terrific incubators for cancer cells. Another factor is stress levels. One’s ability to control anxiety in their lives is a excellent deterrent in stopping the growth of cancer. Unfortunately today, for many that isn’t an option.

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Stress plays a very important role in the weakening of the immune system which increases the chance of developing cancer. Probably, the most influential incubator of cancer in our society now is what’s usually called the American diet. Foods that improve white blood cells are imperative in keeping ones . White blood cells are important in your body because they improve your immune system function and allow you to fight off infections. If you’ve got a low white blood cell count, then it may indicate a disorder.

Another frequent reason for low white blood cells is experiencing an current major medical treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation. Increasing your white blood cell count may decrease your chances of becoming ill and greatly diminishes your odds of developing cancer. As we can observe the traditional procedures for treating cancer like chemotherapy and radiation also bring about the demise of white blood cells which protect the immune system from getting cancer in the first location.

It’s really like an oxymoron from the medical community, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry once we understand that white blood cells protect the body against cancer so why would anybody go through chemo to prevent it is spread when all chemo does is increase the spread of this disease. But, it’s in eating certain wholesome foods which increases white blood cells is probably the best way to minimise the odds of developing cancer.

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Natural cures which have existed for centuries together with foods that increase WBC are critical in combating all forms of cancer and preventing them from forming in the first location. Cat’s Claw, known by it’s more formal title as Uncaria tomentosa is a woodsy vine that is native to Amazonian rain forests in South and Central America. Its name is derived from its curved, claw-shaped appearing thorns, which resemble a cat’s claw.

This bark and root have been used traditionally by tribal herbalists for over 2,000 years to treat a broad assortment of health ailments, such as: chronic inflammatory disorders, bacterial, and fungal infections, , , fevers, stomach ulcers and various gastrointestinal problems, and even for birth control. As you can see this organic root supports the immune system that rewards white blood cells which then protects the body against the formation of cancer cells from spreading. Another organic edible resource for creating more white blood cells and it is use for treatment in a number of different ailments and aliments similar to Cat’s Claw can be seen in the cells of algae, mushrooms, lichens, and certain edible plants.

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Not only do mushrooms have the capacity to eliminate cancer cells but they’re those which supply to most power in attacking and killing of cancer cells. Eating fungi and other organic fresh green vegetables together with Salmon actually never have tasted so great. In essence the food production of now, our manufactured food processing, has had a massive effect on the increase of cancer in America. The meals we ate back 60 years back was much fitter and as such the rate of cancer was considerably lower. Sure, there were cancer patients along with the famous remedy of Chemotherapy back then but, it only prolonged the disease.

This was because of how other treatments were not considered viable, effective and virtually unknown. Today, we know that a lot of what we consume, lack of good oral hygiene, smoking, and high stress levels all contribute to why cancer still is on the rise. Today, when you combine low anxiety levels, good oral hygiene, a diet full of beta-glucans, together with exercise, with moderate exposure to natural just perhaps the ideal combination to mitigate ones risk of getting cancer or greatly increase one’s ability to remove cancer cells and reverse the effects without needing to undergo treatment that by it’s design just prolongs the disease, and oftentimes makes it worse.


Unfortunately, though too many in America today are confronted with economic and financial realities that have just increased the prices that cancerous diseases have spread. The race to discover the cure for cancer has turned into a money making machine for drug manufactures and the insurance industry. There are remedies already available that provide one better cost effective remedies to offset and remove cancer once and for all. Education and lifestyle changes are crucial in preventing the effects that cancer has on ones life. Most importantly we must admit that we are what we eat, and what we continue to do into the environment around us. The choices we make so often dictates how we will live and die.