Die Zitrone (Citrus limon) gehört zur Familie der Zitrusgewächse. Der Zitronenbaum stammt aus Asien und tauchte erstmals um 200 n. Chr. im Mittelmeerraum auf. Im Mittelalter wurde er in Spanien und Sizilien angebaut. Als Heilpflanze wurde sie populär, da man feststellte, dass sie auf langen Seereisen vor Skorbut schützte. Traditionell ist die Zitrone eines der europäischen Allheilmittel, insbesondere bei Infektionskrankheiten.

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It had been used for fevers, for scurvy, for digestive ailments, for and rheumatism, and for care. How Can Lemon Essential Oil Benefit Us Today? Today we understand lemon oil for a potent antioxidant and supporter of the . It has antiseptic qualities which make it useful for colds, , asthma and . It makes an exceptional aerosol spray to kill bacteria and viruses and has been used for several years in hospitals for this purpose.

Today however we’ve relied upon the lab to make “lemony fragranced chemicals” in hospitals. Lemon essential oil is a tonic for the circulatory system as it improves circulation. It’s a wonderful oil for treating high blood pressure-simply use it on the soles of the feet. It may be used for obesity as well as weakness and loss of appetite. It’s cleansing and detoxifying for the liver and may reap problems like cellulite.


Lemon’s astringent properties are useful for skin wrinkles. It’s also effective against scabies and other parasites. Lemon oil describes everything through upliftment and concentrate which makes it beneficial for stress. For psychological recovery, use lemon to promote clarity, management, awareness, , and liveliness. The principal effects of lemon essential oil are peppermint, a stimulant for digestion, and a preventative for infectious illnesses, like colds and flu. Lemon oil blends well with orange rosemary, , fennel, basil, nutmeg, dill, hyssop peppermint, , bergamot, ylang ylang, and geranium.

For program, lemon essential oil can be diffused, steam inhaled, used in a humidifier or vaporizer, and applied directly to the body. It may be used on the bottoms of their feet, or about the energy centers. It can be put on the healer’s hands and run through the energy area. There’s 1 safety warning when using lemon oil. Lemon is phototoxic meaning that it shouldn’t be used on skin exposed to the sun’s rays or a booth.


This may cause red or brown blotches and might even lead to blisters if there’s enough oil and exposure to UV light. Best to use lemon oil in which the”sun does not shine.” Want to find out more about the curative properties of lemon along with other ? Consider getting a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing power and aromatherapy can help you recognize how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy is teaching classes throughout the USA on the healing properties of essential oils including .