The human immune system is the body’s basic nerve centre of defense. Additionally, it keeps a close protective watch over the actions and states of the body’s organ systems at the cellular level. It’s a system comprised by organ structures as well as the integrative biological mechanisms that they use to be able to recognize external stimuli and stop -agenți patogeni amenințători, țesuturi infectate sau tumori să nu dăuneze organismului.

Sistemul imunitar

Sistemul imunitar lansează un atac asupra unui intrus străin care adesea sabotează și duce la distrugere în organism - perturbând acțiunile organelor esențiale, atacând celulele bune și lăsând organismul vulnerabil la boli sau afecțiuni debilitante. Pentru a spune mai simplu, sistemul imunitar previne from bothering the and placing it in peril. The principal intention is to safeguard the human body and preserve biological homeostasis among the organ systems.

Un intrus străin din afara instabilității fără cauză în sistemele biologice ale mediului intern al organismului, iar sistemul imunitar, datorită rolului său, este pregătit să fie sensibil la cea mai mică schimbare care are loc în interiorul corpului uman. Sistemul imunitar sunt asemănătoare unor paznici de patrulare care supraveghează zona și sunt pregătiți să apere organismul atunci când se identifică o amenințare percepută și se stabilește tipul de reacție în raport cu caracterul intrusului invadator.

E bine de știut

When the system is alerted, they build a defensive barricade-antibodies, for example-that fight a bacterium, virus or just a tumor cell. This mode of defensive attack is highly organized in a controlled manner for the immune system specifically targets only alien bugs that mean harm to the body or infected cells which may damage other healthy cells.

The destruction of healthy cells in the body is connected to the devastating onslaught of diseases which are debilitating to human as well as deadly to human life. Many of these illnesses like tuberculosis (or bacterial of the lungs) and AIDS (or Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome) are highly infectious and wreak havoc to human populations at epidemic proportions.


Viruses are molecular parasites that take over the human body and even mutate into several breeds which could withstand the most advanced or strong clinical designed to quell them. Some viruses additionally cause kinds of cancers such as in the case of cervical cancer as a result of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Cancerous cells, for their part, are wily enough to play tricks on the human body by flying under the system’s radar so to speak and softly yet quickly replicating undetected.