When it comes to ingesting a variety of superfoods for a benefit, you might be confused about which superfoods to eat. Some super foods might have a potent flavor that will have to be obtained by the individual who’s consuming that specific food. However, 1 superfood that everybody will agree on is that the usage of raw uncooked chocolate and raw cacao.

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Na realidade, durante séculos, os antigos maias, os antigos astecas e os incas conheceram as fantásticas propriedades curativas do chocolate e utilizaram-nas nos seus rituais culturais diários, para além dos seus costumes curativos. Na atualidade, as sementes de cacau cru eram consideradas tão sagradas, as lendas dizem que os Incas usavam as sementes de cacau como dinheiro e os antigos Incas usavam-nas como ouro enquanto enchiam seus porões de tesouro com toneladas de sementes de cacau. Infelizmente, hoje em dia, a vantagem positiva deste fantástico super-alimento não é amplamente conhecida.

Embora todos gostem de chocolate, as pessoas não o consomem na sua forma bruta, com a máxima vantagem que dele podem tirar. Ele age como um estimulante, por isso o nível de energia no seu corpo receberá um impulso e você se sentirá melhor consigo mesmo. Também pode ajudar a reduzir a fadiga crónica e, de um modo geral provocado pelo stress. O chocolate cru e o cacau cru vão ajudar a fortalecer o seu sistema cardiovascular.


This distinctive superfood can help to regulate your sleep. Above all, pure chocolate directly stimulates various neurotransmitters in (such as ) to decrease depression and to provide a of euphoria or a sense of wellbeing. Hence, your mood will be uplifted and you’ll feel better about yourself. Raw chocolate has a very high ORAC quotient. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This is an important property, as it denotes the ability to absorb free radicals from the body.

This may be a very useful concept for assisting you to protect your body from carcinogens and free radicals that cause cancer. Raw chocolate is also regarded as a mild aphrodisiac as it’s shown to improve sexual after regular consumption. Raw chocolate may also help stimulate your .


Needless to say, it’s very important to consume in a raw and organic state, so that these benefits can be derived from it. If you’re looking for an excess method to stimulate your immune system, then it is also possible to consume Reiki mushrooms as a super food. This remarkable mushroom also has the capacity to strengthen your immune system so you can fight infections and protect yourself from influenza and other similar ailments.