Does Acai Berry actually make a difference? There’s a good deal of hype around this small berry and its enormous power but is there any truth to it? The key element to the Acai Berry is its impact on your . Your immune system is there to safeguard you from several viruses like the common cold, , diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Układ odpornościowy

It works silently so the majority of the time we never consider it. How does the immune system work? Combining enzymes, good , proteins, cells and cells your immune system works to protect you from the consequences of germs, diseases, parasites in addition to bad bacteria. To put it simply, this is the defense against illness. For 2 and a half centuries scientist have found breakthroughs with supplements and vitamins to help us stay healthier.

To naprawdę proste rzeczy, które mają największy wpływ na nasze ciała, takie jak picie 8 szklanek wody dziennie i odpowiednia ilość snu. Antyoksydanty i bardzo dobre bakterie są również ważne, a często pomijane. Antyoksydanty - poprzez mieszankę antyoksydantów i antocyjanów, Twoja krew może zniwelować wpływ dymu i zanieczyszczeń, które nas otaczają powodując uszkodzenia komórek i obniżając naszą odporność na wirusy.

Naturalna pomoc

Ostatnie badania z Instytutu Linusa Paulinga wykazały, że poprzez naturalne zwiększenie ilości owoców i spożycie, ten antyoksydacyjny impuls może obniżyć ryzyko rozwoju chorób układu krążenia, raka i cukrzycy.

  • Wykazano, że Acai Berry zawiera 10-30 razy więcej antyoksydantów niż winogrona, w związku z czym może znacznie zwiększyć spożycie antyoksydantów.
  • – not only makes it possible to fight , but it is the very best source for clear, smooth skin.
  • Vitamin C – exception of the vital vitamin can lead to acne, spongy gums, from mucous membranes, fatigue and partial immobilization.


Eating sensibly is a excellent way to get the nutrients you need for a healthy immune system. But sometimes we do not always have access to the foods we want so Acai Berry offers you all three components in one fruit. Enriched in antioxidants, omega fatty acids, , amino acids in addition to nutritional vitamins this nutrient dense fruit is clinically proven to boost immunity, prevent cell damage and protect against health problems and ailments. If the fruit is so great why can not I find it in the grocery? Due to the rapid degeneration of the fruit when it is harvested, it can’t be brought market. Growers have to discover a means to maintain the true berry and all it’s nutrients. Therefor the only way to digest the nutrients of Acai Berry is in concentrate form and . Should Acai Berry be added to your daily nutritional supplements? Only you know what you want but now you have the information to make the decision to increase your health and your life.