The holistic approach to viruses, parasites and bacteria is to use natural ways to boost the and vitality level and detoxify the body of ingested toxins that are stored within the body’s cells. The body’s immune system will then kill the invading microbes. At exactly the exact same time, detoxification will sweep out toxins in the body’s cells. This will raise the body’s immune system and nivå.

Helhetlig tilnærming

It’s thought that the holistic approach could ruin viral clusters with regard to any viruses such as Ebola, , Herpes and STDs together with the virus and, oftentimes, eliminate these viruses completely. Holistic research indicates the advantages of the following to enhance the immune system: cat’s claw, banderol, samento, pinella, asparagus root extract supplements, sulphur and the detoxification and immune system boosting supplements mentioned above along with turmeric or curcumin, modified citrus pectin and zinc.

A mix of colloidal silver, chlorpohyll, oregano oil, , high doses of vitamin c, l-lysene, grapefruit seed extract, coconut oil, paw paw and Asian mushroom supplements destroy viruses, bacteria and parasites and B 17 destroys fungus. Topical application of tea tree essential oil, greapefruit seed esseential oil and colloidal silverhelp destroy fungus on the skin. Also, bee propolis and modified citrus pectin destroys microbes such as bacteria, parasites and viruses.

Ta hensyn til

For HIV, Ebola, STDs and Lyme Disease you might have to take these supplements a couple of times every day for two to three months. Check with your naturopath physician. Some of the best natural ways to detoxify the body include: warm water with fresh lemon (drink this plain a few times every day and add a couple of teaspoons of Himalayan salt into one of those warm water beverages or a cold drink of water and lemon), fresh cilantro and parsely, a tea made with fresh cilantro and parsley, Himalayan salt (a completely mineralized salt), green tea, a beverage made with a couple of teaspoons of bentonite clay or diotomaceous earth, activated charcoal nutritional supplements, pectin, chlorella, psyllium husk/corn silk, wheat grass, turmeric/curcumin, , avocado, beets, broccoli, iodine, and digestive enzyme supplements, milk thistle, dandelion root supplements, apple cider vinegar, kidney flush nutritional supplements and colloidal trace minerals, colloidal gold and silver and oregano essential oil together with ionic foot tubs.

Eteriske oljer av lavendel og røkelse har gode betennelsesdempende egenskaper, og eteriske oljer av nellik og oregano har gode antioksidantegenskaper. De vil bidra til å styrke immunforsvaret og ødelegge bakteriene. Ta deretter kosttilskudd som er spesielt rettet mot virus, parasitter, bakterier og sopp, inkludert candida. Dette omfatter blant annet sølv, oreganoolje, olivenbladekstrakt, l-lysene, høye doser vitamin C og biepropolis som tas daglig. Avhengig av tilstanden din kan det ta noen uker eller et par uker å kvitte kroppen med virus, parasitter, bakterier og sopp. Også B17, malurt og svart valnøttskall ødelegger sopp. Holistisk forskning viser fordelene ved ozon-/oksygenbehandling sammen med andre holistiske metoder.

Avsluttende merknad

Gjør også følgende når det gjelder avgiftning: Drikk minst åtte glass rent filtrert vann eller kildevann hver dag. Drikk minst ett glass vann med fersk sitron eller lime. Spis for det meste ferske, rå og økologiske i salater og juice. Spis mye grønt sammen med supermatvarer som avokado, chiafrø, linfrø, chlorella, spirulina og hvetegress. Ikke spis bearbeidet, prosessert, pakket eller søppelmat. Unngå raffinert sukker, transfett og meieriprodukter. Unngå eller reduser inntaket av storfekjøtt. Hvis du spiser rødt kjøtt for å få i deg jern og protein, bør du kun spise økologisk, gressfôret storfekjøtt. Hvis du trenger ekstra protein og jern på grunn av denne dietten, kan du ta proteinpulver og jerntilskudd.

Alkaliser kroppen gjennom en hel plantebasert økologisk kost og drikke av filtrert vann med natron (uten aluminium i) og fersk sitron. I stor grad and do daily heart based prayer and meditation. Exercise daily. Do cardio and light weights. At the very least, walk two to three miles daily. Stretch daily or do yoga. Get loads of sun. To enhance the immune system it’s important to get adequate sleep and rest and to participate in deep breathing (for oxygen) and religious practices like daily meditation and prayer. Through mindfulness you keep focused with complete awareness and focus on the moment. Also, boost your energy through visualization. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Hold that visualization for a few minutes until you feel re-energized. Get a lot of sleep and rest, avoid stress and enjoy life. This guide is for information purposes only. It’s not meant to be used to diagnose or cure disease. It’s not intended to be medical advice. For medical information and to diagnose and treat disease, consult with a licensed medical doctor. Michael supplies Reiki healing and life and health coaching.